The Music of John Lennon, A 4-Week Course with C

The Music of John Lennon, A 4-Week Course with Carnegie Mellon Professor, Stephen Schultz Start Date: Thursday 5/23/2019 — End Date: Thursday 5/23/2019 Admission:$100/series, $30/class This exciting 4-week course will trace the development of John Lennon as one of the 20th century’s great composers/song writers. The series will cover the early days of The Beatles through their creative height and eventual decline, through John’s tortured early years as a solo artist to his final album, Double Fantasy. The final class will feature a special guest appearance by Drew Harrison of the Sun Kings. Week 1: Early Beatles to Revolver Week 2: Sgt. Pepper to White Album Week 3: Yellow Sub to Let it Be Week 4: Solo Years featuring a live performance by Drew Harrison from his show “In the Spirit of Lennon” Drew Harrison will perform his full concert, “In the Spirit of John Lennon” as a benefit for Rhythmix on Saturday, October 12, 2019. Tickets available soon. Location: 2513 Blanding Ave Alameda Contact: Tina Blaine URL:


asdf Start Date: Saturday 3/9/2019 — End Date: Saturday 3/9/2019 Admission:123 asdfasdfadsf Location: Hyatt Regency San Francisco 5 Embarcadero Center San Francisco Contact: Dave URL:

Finding Your Happily Ever After – Free Webinar!

Finding Your Happily Ever After – Free Webinar! Start Date: Wednesday 3/6/2019 — End Date: Tuesday 3/19/2019 Admission:free Get your score on the Conscious Dating Quiz, Learn the Principles of Conscious Dating and Discover the 3 Essential Steps to True Love. You’ll learn the secrets to finding your soulmate much faster and more efficiently. If you want to find love in 2019, watch this comprehensive free 80 minute webinar now! FYI: A few spaces are available in Dr. Wendy’s upcoming Conscious Dating Group Coaching Program. Learn more at Location: Everywhere Everywhere Contact: Dr. Wendy Lyon URL:

Playwrights’ CageMatch at Town Hall Theatre

Playwrights’ CageMatch at Town Hall Theatre Start Date: Sunday 3/24/2019 — End Date: Sunday 3/24/2019 Admission:$5 Town Hall Theatre in Lafayette, California, is excited to announce our first Playwrights’ CageMatch: BUILDING BRIDGES, on Sunday, March 24, 2019, at 7:00pm. Five Playwrights enter but only one will emerge victorious. Join us as playwrights far and wide square off! Our Playwrights’ CageMatch is a chance for playwrights to show their stuff in an audience-decided live competition. The only requirements for aspiring contributors were that the scenes had to be 20 minutes or less, have no more than four characters with gender parity, and be set in an apartment building in a large city anywhere in the universe; there’s a fire escape, maybe a corridor, and maybe a bridge in the distance. A lovers’ encounter or post-apocalyptic tale, perhaps? We’re looking for creative and elegant back-stories that incorporate the setting into the scene, but the tone, theme or genre was up to the playwright. Town Hall received entries from all over the U.S., and even from New Zealand. Artistic Director Susan E. Evans, THT staff, and volunteers are selecting the top five submissions, and each one gets one rehearsal. The five scenes are presented on March 24th at a live staged reading at Town Hall, 3535 School Street, Lafayette, CA. Our audience will vote by token to determine the winner! Town Hall Theatre, PLAYWRIGHTS’ CAGEMATCH P. 2 of 2 Admission for the Playwrights’ CageMatch is $5 (free to our subscribers), and tokens to vote will be sold for $5. Location: 3535 School Street Lafayette Contact: Susan E. Evans URL:


BARBARA EASLEY-COX & ERICKA HUGGINS IN CONVERSATION WITH DEWEY CRUMPLER Start Date: Thursday 3/14/2019 — End Date: Thursday 3/14/2019 Admission:0 Presented in conjunction with the exhibition Vanguard Revisited: Poetic Politics & Black Futures, SFAI is thrilled to host Barbara Easley-Cox and Ericka Huggins in conversation with faculty member Dewey Crumpler to discuss the Black Panther Party and its continuing relevance. The Black Panther Party’s multifaceted approach to community activism, together with strong political education campaigns, coalitions with local and national organizations, and international relationships built from legacies of organizing within Black communities, created a template for decades of organizing to come. Barbara Easley-Cox and Ericka Huggins worked both locally and internationally for the Black Panther Party and their work continues to be foundational in leading a culture of resistance. Barbara Easley-Cox is a civil rights activist, teacher, and advocate for literacy. She joined the Black Panthers Party in 1967, led the San Francisco branch with her husband and later worked in the New York and Philadelphia chapters. She participated in the Free Breakfast for Children Program, collected apparel for the Free Clothing Program, and aided in other survival programs hosted by the Party. Easley-Cox traveled around the world, spreading chapters and involvement of the Black Panther Party to Algeria and Germany alongside well known Panther Kathleen Cleaver. She continues working as an advocate for community development, poverty, and social justice. Ericka Huggins is a human rights activist, poet, educator, Black Panther leader and former political prisoner. She has lectured throughout the United States and internationally. In 1968, at age 18, she became a leader in the Los Angeles chapter of the Black Panther Party with her husband John Huggins. As a result of her 14-year tenure as a leader of the Black Panther Party (the longest of any woman in leadership), she brings a unique, complete and honest perspective to the challenges and successes of the Black Panther Party and, its significance today. Location: 800 chestnut street San Francisco Contact: Kat Trataris URL:

Love Our Island Art Walk: Radical Beauty, Part 7

Love Our Island Art Walk: Radical Beauty, Part 7 Start Date: Friday 4/12/2019 — End Date: Friday 4/12/2019 Admission:free Featuring Art Installations by Susan Brady, Hopi Breton, Josie Iselin, Sophie Lee and Bay Farm Elementary School (Ginny Parsons with Michele Kuttner’s 2nd Grade Class) Music by: Andre Thierry and Zydeco Magic, China’s Spirit Music Ensemble, H?lau Makana and Ballet Folklorico Flor de Cafe On Friday, April 12th from 6-9pm, Rhythmix Cultural Works brings art, dance and music to Bay Farm’s Harbor Bay Landing in Alameda. In celebration of Earth Day, Love Our Island Art Walk – Radical Beauty, Part 7 features artists utilizing recycled materials and environmental themes accompanied by family-friendly performances with music and dance from around the globe. Love Our Island Art Walk is an art-centric creative placemaking project that utilizes public art, storefront art installations and live musical performances to activate Alameda’s historic downtown districts supported in part by the California Arts Council, City of Alameda Public Art Commission, the Downtown Alameda Business Association and Rhythmix sponsors. Location: Harbor Bay Shopping Center, Bay Farm Island Alameda Contact: Tina Blaine URL:

Live Music Singles Party

Live Music Singles Party Start Date: Sunday 3/31/2019 — End Date: Sunday 3/31/2019 Admission:10 Meet new friends at this fun party! Only $10 at the door includes a FUN Mixer Game, which makes it easy to meet people; accompanied by complimentary light appetizers, served at 4pm, as long as they last. Dress to impress. Adults of all ages welcome. Sunday, March 4, 2018, 4-6pm. BONUS: Live music by The Darlyn Pearl Duo, who will play a wide range of music, from jazz to blues to bossa nova to country, and also requests! LOCATION: Faz at Four Points by Sheraton Hotel, 5121 Hopyard Road, Pleasanton CA 94588. Conveniently located near the intersection of Highways 580 and 680 (Hopyard exit off Hwy 580). Located in the Hacienda Business Park, 2 miles from BART. Free parking. CO-SPONSORED by The Society of Single Professionals, the world’s largest non-profit singles organization; and by many singles meetups. MORE PARTIES at •SF Peninsula Single Mingle, March 3, San Carlos •The Winter Ball at The Fairmont, March 9, San Francisco •St Patrick’s Eve Dance, March 16, San Jose •Boulder Falls Hike & Wine Tasting, March 16, St Helena •Spring Mixer, March 21, Sausalito •Singles Charity Ball, May 4, San Francisco Location: 5121 Hopyard Road Pleasanton Contact: Rich Gosse URL:


JENNY ODELL: OPEN SOURCE INTELLIGENCE Start Date: Friday 3/8/2019 — End Date: Friday 3/8/2019 Admission:0 GRADUATE LECTURE SERIES Jenny Odell: Open Source Intelligence Taking a cue from “open source intelligence” (OSINT, a term that refers to the collection of publicly available data for intelligence purposes), this lecture will focus on the role of the artist as researcher and interloper into other disciplines. Odell will discuss past projects involving collection and analysis, as well as her recent piece for the New York Times, which utilized publicly available websites and archives to expose a bizarre ring of e-commerce dealings on Amazon. Jenny Odell is an interdisciplinary artist and writer based in Oakland, California. She has been an artist in residence at YBCA, the Internet Archive, Facebook, Recology SF, the San Francisco Planning Department, and the New York Public Library. Her writing has been published in the New York Times and Sierra Magazine. Her book, How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy is forthcoming from Melville House. Odell teaches at Stanford University. Location: 800 chestnut street San Francisco Contact: SFAI URL:


JENNY ODELL: OPEN SOURCE INTELLIGENCE Start Date: Friday 3/8/2019 — End Date: Friday 3/8/2019 Admission:0 GRADUATE LECTURE SERIES Jenny Odell: Open Source Intelligence Taking a cue from “open source intelligence” (OSINT, a term that refers to the collection of publicly available data for intelligence purposes), this lecture will focus on the role of the artist as researcher and interloper into other disciplines. Odell will discuss past projects involving collection and analysis, as well as her recent piece for the New York Times, which utilized publicly available websites and archives to expose a bizarre ring of e-commerce dealings on Amazon. Jenny Odell is an interdisciplinary artist and writer based in Oakland, California. She has been an artist in residence at YBCA, the Internet Archive, Facebook, Recology SF, the San Francisco Planning Department, and the New York Public Library. Her writing has been published in the New York Times and Sierra Magazine. Her book, How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy is forthcoming from Melville House. Odell teaches at Stanford University. Location: 800 chestnut street San Francisco Contact: SFAI URL:


BRADFORD NORDEEN: CURATING DIRTY LOOKS AND PRESENTING THE QUEER CINEMATIC AVANT-GARDE Start Date: Wednesday 4/24/2019 — End Date: Wednesday 4/24/2019 Admission:Free VISITING ARTISTS + SCHOLARS SERIES Bradford Nordeen: Curating Dirty Looks and presenting the Queer Cinematic Avant-Garde In this lively lecture, Nordeen traces a decade of working across genres in curating, publishing, and positioning performance within the museum as well as alternative spaces, from the experimental platform Dirty Looks, a platform for queer film, video, and performance, to international festivals. Featuring clips and slides from screenings and site-specific interventions, topics discussed include working with artists, maintaining authorial intent in alternative media, site specificity, and queer urban cultures, and preserving the art and archives of a generation lost in the AIDS crisis. Based in Los Angeles, Nordeen is a writer, curator, and founder of Dirty Looks. His publications include Check Your Vernacular, Dirty Looks at MoMA, Fever Pitch, and the Dirty Looks Volume series (editor). He has written for Frieze, Art in America, Afterimage, Huffington Post, indieWIRE and Butt Magazine, and received the 2018 Creative Capital / Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Grant for the podcast Analog Tendencies. He was Platinum Programmer for Outfest Los Angeles, and guest curator for The Broad Museum. He curated exhibitions and screenings at ONE Gay and Lesbian National Archives, RISD, MoMA, The Kitchen, SFMoMA, The Hammer Museum, and New York Live Arts. He holds a BFA from CalArts and an MA in Contemporary Cinema Cultures from King’s College London. Location: 800 chestnut street San Francisco Contact: SFAI URL: