TEN-Forward-A FUNDRAISER FOR THE FUTURE OF ASG Start Date: Tuesday 7/2/2019 — End Date: Tuesday 7/2/2019 Admission:$45-$175 Media Contact: Willis Meyers 415.756.1904 (text or call) willis@aggregatespacegallery.org Title: TEN-Forward, A Fundraiser for the Future of ASG Event Date: Tuesday, July 2, 2019 Program: 6:00 – 7:00 pm VIP and Member Experience 7:00 – 8:00 pm Art Party and Silent Auction 8:00-9: 00 pm Screening and Artist Performances 9:00 pm Paddle Raise Address: Z Space, 450 Florida St, San Francisco, CA 94110 Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/2151405101640846/ Ticket link: https://aggregatespacegallery.org/ten-forward/ San Francisco (July 2, 2019) TEN-Forward, A Fundraiser for the Future of ASG ASG is facing a challenging moment in our history. We are facing displacement from our current location of 9 years due to rent hikes and other non-negotiable lease terms. Our challenge comes a time where our growth has otherwise been momentous. Over the past few years, you’ve helped us grow from an artist-run space into a nationally funded non-profit with recognition and awards from renowned foundations such as the National Endowment for the Arts, Andy Warhol Foundation, and more. Your help right now is critical fuel for our community’s future and we need your support during this pivotal moment. Our goal is to raise $100K for the transition within the next few months so ASG can have a bright future in the Bay Area as a vehicle for ground-breaking multimedia and experimental works in video and installation that spark challenging conversations and create new worlds of thought. We cannot do this without you! About Aggregate Space Gallery Aggregate Space Gallery is a non-profit exhibition and performance space in West Oakland making immersive conceptual art experiences accessible to our community. ASG envisions an Oakland where artists can make and experience art in a safe space with access to production tools and hands-on guidance, creating work that fuels critical dialogue in a time when it is desperately needed. ASG is a charitable, artist-run exhibition and performance space in West Oakland that prioritizes the exhibition of artwork that generally can’t be seen elsewhere – our mantra is “Install the Unimaginable.” Address: Zspace, 450 Florida St, San Francisco, CA 94110 Email: info@aggregatespacegallery.org Website: www.aggreganatespacegallery.org Foundational Support: Aggregate Space Gallery programs are generously supported by National Endowment for the Arts, Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Neda Nobari Foundation, Creative Work Fund, Kenneth Rainin Foundation, Zellerbach Family Foundation, Clorox Foundation, Awesome Foundation, and ArtNow International. ### Location: 450 Florida St Mission District San Francisco Contact: Shaghayegh Cyrous shaghayegh@aggregatespacegallery.org URL: https://aggregatespacegallery.org/ten-forward/

Chris Cain with Frankie G & The Conviction

Chris Cain with Frankie G & The Conviction Start Date: Friday 6/14/2019 — End Date: Friday 6/14/2019 Admission:$26-$31 International touring artist Chris Cain is recognized around the world for his distinct brand of blues guitar. Cain offers up a soulful stew of Memphis style electric blues. His powerfully deep vocals and jazz inspired, blues guitar riffs are unforgettable; uniquely his own, while reminiscent of the legendary BB King, Mike Bloomfield and Albert King. He has been nominated as BBM Best Contemporary Blues Album of 2018, BMA Blues Guitarist of the Year and BBM Male Blues Artist of the Year. Chris Cain’s brand of blues is unforgettable. Frankie G & the Conviction is a high-energy blues and grooves band who delivers a powerful show with an eclectic style of the blues – and just good rockin’ music. While presenting a strong cache of classic and contemporary blues music, The Conviction mix-in powerful originals displaying their creativity and talent. The band believes the audience is there for good music and a good time – both are delivered with confidence and Conviction. Location: 351 Railroad Ave Pittsburg Contact: Carolyn August info@pittsburgcaliforniatheatre.com URL: http://www/pittsburgcaliforniatheatre.com

Live Organ & A Movie- Hotel Transylvania 3: Summ

Live Organ & A Movie- Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation Start Date: Sunday 6/9/2019 — End Date: Sunday 6/9/2019 Admission:$6.50 Join us for our Live Organ & A Movie series. Hosted by Matias Bombal and music played by Dave Moreno. This series combines live organ music, raffles, and a classic movie all rolled into one. We begin with Dave Moreno playing the theater’s historic Robert Morton Organ with a selection of themed musical pieces. The main feature, Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation, joins our favorite monster family as they embark on a vacation on a luxury monster cruise ship so Drac can take a Summer vacation from providing everyone else’s vacation at the hotel. But the dream vacation turns into a nightmare when Mavis realizes Drac has fallen for the mysterious captain of the ship, Ericka, who hides a dangerous secret that could destroy all of monsterkind. Location: 351 Railroad Ave Pittsburg Contact: Carolyn August info@pittsburgcaliforniatheatre.com URL: http://www/pittsburgcaliforniatheatre.com

Historic Hotel Petaluma Singles Party

Historic Hotel Petaluma Singles Party Start Date: Sunday 6/30/2019 — End Date: Sunday 6/30/2019 Admission:10 Historic Hotel Petaluma provides a lovely setting for meeting new friends! Our last party here attracted 80 singles, in the midst of a torrential rainstorm. Hopefully this party will do even better, weather permitting. Only $10 at the door includes a FUN Mixer Game, accompanied by light appetizers, courtesy of The Shuckery, served at 4pm, as long as they last. Dress to impress. Adults of all ages welcome. Sunday, June 30, 2019, 4-6pm. LOCATION: Hotel Petaluma, 205 Kentucky St, at E. Washington, Downtown Petaluma CA 94952. This is a must-see hotel! From Hwy 101 take E Washington exit west. Free parking nearby. CO-SPONSORED by The Society of Single Professionals, the world’s largest non-profit singles organization; Singles2Couples; and by many singles meetups. MORE PARTIES at www.thepartyhotline.com •Singles Day in the Silicon Valley, May 19, San Jose •Black & White Dance, May 25, Silicon Valley •Audubon Canyon/Bolinas Lagoon, May 25, Stinson Beach •Marin Singles Convention, May 31, Mill Valley •Luxurious Nightclub Party, June 8, Mt View •Singles Happy Hour Party, June 9, Dublin •Mansion Pool Party, June 15, Fremont Location: 205 Kentucky St Petaluma Petaluma Contact: Rich Gosse richgosse@richgosse.com URL: http://www.thepartyhotline.com

Milk Pail Farewell Celebration

Milk Pail Farewell Celebration Start Date: Saturday 6/8/2019 — End Date: Saturday 6/8/2019 Admission:Free After 45 years in business, the beloved Milk Pail Market will be closing at the end of June. Please come enjoy food and community at our Farewell Celebration! We will have: – cheese tasting – samples of Milk Pail products – food trucks and BBQ – activities and live music Location: 2585 California St Mountain View Mountain View Contact: Kai Rasmussen kai@milkpail.com URL: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/milk-pail-farewell-celebration-tickets-61897686647

Live Organ & A Movie- Hotel Transylvania 3: Summ

Live Organ & A Movie- Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation Start Date: Sunday 6/9/2019 — End Date: Sunday 6/9/2019 Admission:$6.50 Join us for our Live Organ & A Movie series. Hosted by Matias Bombal and music played by Dave Moreno. This series combines live organ music, raffles, and a classic movie all rolled into one. We begin with Dave Moreno playing the theater’s historic Robert Morton Organ with a selection of themed musical pieces. The main feature, Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation, joins our favorite monster family as they embark on a vacation on a luxury monster cruise ship so Drac can take a Summer vacation from providing everyone else’s vacation at the hotel. But the dream vacation turns into a nightmare when Mavis realizes Drac has fallen for the mysterious captain of the ship, Ericka, who hides a dangerous secret that could destroy all of monsterkind. Location: 351 Railroad Ave Pittsburg Contact: Carolyn August info@pittsburgcaliforniatheatre.com URL: http://www/pittsburgcaliforniatheatre.com

Orium III: An Art-Making Fundraiser for ASG: Fin

Orium III: An Art-Making Fundraiser for ASG: Final Sale Night Start Date: Saturday 6/15/2019 — End Date: Saturday 6/15/2019 Admission:Free Aggregate Space Gallery is a place for a particular function. We have invited dozens of artists to come and create small, unique, and brand new editions of artworks to be sold to benefit the continued growth and stabilization of ASG. Over 3 weekends, we will open our doors for the public peer into this part of the artist’s process; our goal is to create an aquarium-like public space wherein artists exchange resources, ideas, and activate the ASG facility in its entirety. Like many of the things ASG has supported over the years, this fundraiser is an opportunity to explore possibility, so come and watch it unfold. Objects will be available for sale immediately as they are finished, priced from $100- $500. Dates: Week 1 – Orium Shop Days, 1-5pm May 16,17,18 Week 2 – Orium Shop Days, 1-5pm May 23, 24, 25 Week 3 – Orium Shop Days, 1-5pm May 30, 31, June 1 Week 4 – Orium Shop Day, 1-5pm June 6 Install and Shop setup night of June 6 +the day of June 7 Opening June 7 Gallery hours 1-5pm – June 7, 8, 13, 14, 15 Last ASG Exhibition open hours June 15 Location: 801 W Grand Ave Oakland Contact: Willis Meyers willis@aggregatespacegallery.org URL: https://aggregatespacegallery.org/

Orium III: An Art-Making Fundraiser for ASG-Art

Orium III: An Art-Making Fundraiser for ASG-Art Sale and Opening Start Date: Friday 6/7/2019 — End Date: Friday 6/7/2019 Admission:Free Aggregate Space Gallery is a place for a particular function. We have invited dozens of artists to come and create small, unique, and brand new editions of artworks to be sold to benefit the continued growth and stabilization of ASG. Over 3 weekends, we will open our doors for the public peer into this part of the artist’s process; our goal is to create an aquarium-like public space wherein artists exchange resources, ideas, and activate the ASG facility in its entirety. Like many of the things ASG has supported over the years, this fundraiser is an opportunity to explore possibility, so come and watch it unfold. Objects will be available for sale immediately as they are finished, priced from $100- $500. Dates: Week 1 – Orium Shop Days, 1-5pm May 16,17,18 Week 2 – Orium Shop Days, 1-5pm May 23, 24, 25 Week 3 – Orium Shop Days, 1-5pm May 30, 31, June 1 Week 4 – Orium Shop Day, 1-5pm June 6 Install and Shop setup night of June 6 +the day of June 7 Opening June 7 Gallery hours 1-5pm – June 7, 8, 13, 14, 15 Last ASG Exhibition open hours June 15 Location: 801 W Grand Ave Oakland Contact: Willis Meyers willis@aggregatespacegallery.org URL: https://aggregatespacegallery.org/

Orium III: An Art-Making Fundraiser for ASG

Orium III: An Art-Making Fundraiser for ASG Start Date: Thursday 5/16/2019 — End Date: Saturday 6/15/2019 Admission:Free Art Sale and Opening: June 7, 6-10pm Final Sale Night: June 15th 5-8pm Aggregate Space Gallery is a place for a particular function. We have invited dozens of artists to come and create small, unique, and brand new editions of artworks to be sold to benefit the continued growth and stabilization of ASG. Over 3 weekends, we will open our doors for the public peer into this part of the artist’s process; our goal is to create an aquarium-like public space wherein artists exchange resources, ideas, and activate the ASG facility in its entirety. Like many of the things ASG has supported over the years, this fundraiser is an opportunity to explore possibility, so come and watch it unfold. Objects will be available for sale immediately as they are finished, priced from $100- $500. Dates: Week 1 – Orium Shop Days, 1-5pm May 16,17,18 Week 2 – Orium Shop Days, 1-5pm May 23, 24, 25 Week 3 – Orium Shop Days, 1-5pm May 30, 31, June 1 Week 4 – Orium Shop Day, 1-5pm June 6 Install and Shop setup night of June 6 +the day of June 7 Opening June 7 Gallery hours 1-5pm – June 7, 8, 13, 14, 15 Last ASG Exhibition open hours June 15 Location: 801 W Grand Ave Oakland Contact: Willis Meyers willis@aggregatespacegallery.org URL: https://aggregatespacegallery.org/

Holiday Choral Concert

Holiday Choral Concert Start Date: Thursday 12/12/2019 — End Date: Thursday 12/12/2019 Admission:Free The Silver Singers choral group kicks off the holiday season with a festive concert, followed by light refreshments. Admission is free, all are welcome! Location: 415 Steele Lane Santa Rosa Contact: Recreation and Parks activityguide@srcity.org URL: https://srcity.org/2111/Steele-Lane-Community-Center