Dream Variations part 2 Start Date: Friday 10/4/2019 — End Date: Wednesday 10/16/2019 Admission:0 The San Francisco Art institute and Schafer Gallery proudly present: Dream Variations part 2 On View: October 4th–October 16th Opening Reception: Friday, October 4th | 4:30–6pm at SFAI—Fort Mason Campus Featuring Shara Mays and Christopher Williams Inspired by the similarly named poem by Langston Hughes, Dream Variations part 2 features extraordinary works of African American artists, Shara Mays and Christopher Williams. Combining installation, video and traditional painting methods, they express perspectives on discrimination, pain and Black Joy. In doing so, these artists manage to balance not only complexity and simplicity, but also the depth and strength of their dreams. Curated by Christopher Williams Location: SFAI-Fort Mason Campus Pier 2, 2 Marina Blvd, San Francisco, CA 94123 San Francisco Contact: Christopher Williams christopher@theblackdavinci.com URL: https://sfai.edu
September Art Kiosk Installation in Downtown Red
September Art Kiosk Installation in Downtown Redwood City Start Date: Saturday 9/7/2019 — End Date: Sunday 10/6/2019 Admission:Free The Redwood City Improvement Association in partnership with Fung Collaboratives, has unveiled the latest Art Kiosk Installation exhibit by local artist, Fernando Escartiz, titled “The Dream.” Join us for the opening reception on Saturday, September 7 at 4 p.m. in the Downtown Redwood City’s Courthouse Square Kiosk to welcome the project to the community. “The Dream” is inspired by Escartiz’s childhood fascination of the Mexican folk-art tradition – Alebrijes, paper mâché sculptures representing imagination and fantasy. The exhibit is made of traditional paper mâché and wooden carved animals colorfully decorated to pull viewers in while experiencing Mexican culture. The exhibition fills the interior of the art kiosk with suspended and free-standing sculptures and floor paintings, making this the first exhibit to go beyond the structure of the art kiosk. Massive alebrijes will sit atop the roof and cascade down the sides making it a site to see. In partnership with Fung Collaboratives, the rotating Art Kiosk Installations will continue throughout 2019 with different featured artists in an effort to enhance the community’s fine art scene for residents and visitors. “The Dream” will be on display until October 6, 2019. Location: 2208 Broadway St. Redwood City Contact: Redwood City Improve Association info@visitRWC.org URL: http://visitrwc.org/
Jennifer Eberhardt, Author of “Biased: Uncoverin
Jennifer Eberhardt, Author of “Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice That Shapes What We See, Thin Start Date: Thursday 9/26/2019 — End Date: Thursday 9/26/2019 Admission:$15 – $52 How biased are you? According to Dr. Eberhardt we live in a world where unconscious bias and innate prejudices affect our visual perception, attention, memory, and behavior. These stereotypes can dramatically influence and impact our education, employment, housing, and criminal justice system. Dr. Eberhardt has worked extensively as a psychologist and consultant with numerous companies and law enforcement agencies. She shares her groundbreaking research covering courtrooms, boardrooms, classrooms, and prisons to better understand and invoke change at all levels in society. Dr. Eberhardt is the co-founder and co-director of SPARQ, a university initiative that uses social psychological research to address significant social problems. She was also the recipient of a 2014 MacArthur “Genius Grant”. Location: 35 S. Second Street Campbell Contact: Georgette Gehue ggehue@commonwealthclub.org URL: https://www.commonwealthclub.org/events/2019-09-26/jennifer-eberhardt-understanding-bias
Condoleezza Rice, Former U.S. Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice, Former U.S. Secretary of State & Co-Author of “To Build a Better World” Start Date: Wednesday 9/18/2019 — End Date: Wednesday 9/18/2019 Admission:425 – $65 Rice provides a thoughtful diplomatic analysis of the last 40 years and details the design for a more peaceful and prosperous world. She draws upon her experience and explains the risk, uncertainty, and drama of how states were divided and societies were transformed. Rice was the 66th U.S. Secretary of State and the first African American woman to hold that office. She was also the first woman to serve as National Security Advisor and was the Soviet and East European Affairs Advisor during the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Location: 35 S. Second Street Campbell Contact: Georgette Gehue ggehue@commonwealthclub.org URL: https://www.commonwealthclub.org/events/2019-09-18/condoleezza-rice-build-better-world
Condoleezza Rice, Former U.S. Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice, Former U.S. Secretary of State & Co-Author of “To Build a Better World” Start Date: Wednesday 9/18/2019 — End Date: Wednesday 9/18/2019 Admission:425 – $65 Rice provides a thoughtful diplomatic analysis of the last 40 years and details the design for a more peaceful and prosperous world. She draws upon her experience and explains the risk, uncertainty, and drama of how states were divided and societies were transformed. Rice was the 66th U.S. Secretary of State and the first African American woman to hold that office. She was also the first woman to serve as National Security Advisor and was the Soviet and East European Affairs Advisor during the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Location: 35 S. Second Street Campbell Contact: Georgette Gehue ggehue@commonwealthclub.org URL: https://www.commonwealthclub.org/events/2019-09-18/condoleezza-rice-build-better-world
Sean Carroll, Caltech Theoretical Physicist & Au
Sean Carroll, Caltech Theoretical Physicist & Author of “Something Deeply Hidden” Start Date: Saturday 9/14/2019 — End Date: Saturday 9/14/2019 Admission:$15 – $52 Quantum mechanics is the most accurate and far-reaching theory in physics, yet physicists themselves readily admit that they don’t understand it. But Caltech physicist and New York Times best-selling author Sean Carroll suggests that we do have a very promising way of understanding the mysteries of the quantum world. Previously featured on “The Colbert Report” and PBS’s “Nova,” theoretical physicist Carroll will explore quantum discoveries throughout history, unveiling how the atomic and subatomic worlds impact our daily lives and giving us a whole new way of comprehending the cosmos. Location: 3921 Fabian Way Palo Alto Palo Alto Contact: Georgette Gehue ggehue@commonwealthclub.org URL: https://www.commonwealthclub.org/events/2019-09-14/sean-carroll-quantum-worlds-and-emergence-space-t
No Rejection Dance Party
No Rejection Dance Party Start Date: Saturday 10/19/2019 — End Date: Saturday 10/19/2019 Admission:15-20 What happens when a room full of singles are invited to meet each other in a rejection-free environment? Find out, as you dance to your favorite hits at a fun venue! Prizes to the man and woman who dance with the most partners. Adults of all ages welcome. Dress to impress. $15/advance (by Oct 18) or $20/door. Saturday, October 19, 2019, 8pm-Midnight. LOCATION: Main and Elm Restaurant, 150 Elm St, Redwood City CA. Free parking! CO-SPONSORED by The Society of Single Professionals, the world’s largest non-profit singles organization; and many other singles organizations and meetups. DISCOUNTS & more parties at www.thepartyhotline.com. •Russian River Kayak & Canoe, Aug 31, Healdsburg •East Bay Singles Convention, Sep 1, Pleasanton •Singles Pizza Night, Sep 4, Corte Madera •Manthers/Cougars Party, Sep 8, Cupertino •National Singles Week Kickoff Party, Sep 15, Burlingame •Astrological Matchmaking Party, Sep 28, Silicon Valley •Halloween Party, Oct 25, Mill Valley •Halloween Party, Oct 26, Silicon Valley Location: 150 Elm St Staumbaugh Heller Redwood City Contact: Rich Gosse rich@richgosse.com URL: https://www.thepartyhotline.com
Maze Daiko: Japanese Taiko and Beyond
Maze Daiko: Japanese Taiko and Beyond Start Date: Saturday 11/9/2019 — End Date: Saturday 11/9/2019 Admission:Adults: $20 advance / $25 day of show, Kid (12 & u Maze Daiko is an Alameda-based ensemble that is inspired to fuse culturally diverse sonic textures and melodies with the physical elegance and discipline of taiko. Maze combines Japanese taiko with East African Shona marimba, West African djembe, Persian santur, Brazilian zabumba, Middle Eastern doumbek, and European violin to create a unique and innovative sound. Seiichi Tanka, the father of North American taiko, has described Maze as “pioneers” of the art form. The evening will include guest artists, Brenda Wong Aoki, the first Asian Pacific Storyteller to receive the Circle of Excellence Award from the National Storytelling Network accompanied by Emmy winning Asian American Jazz musician Mark Izu. And as a special feature, Maze Daiko and Ed Holmes (SF Mime Troupe) will premier an excerpt from Island City Waterways 2020. Maze Daiko: Japanese Taiko and Beyond is presented as part of Rhythmix Island Arts Concert Series honoring island traditions from around the world, on the island of Alameda. Location: 2513 Blanding Ave Alameda Contact: Tina Blaine info@rhythmix.org URL: https://www.rhythmix.org/events/maze-daiko-japanese-taiko
Writers With Drinks featuring Yangsze Choo and E
Writers With Drinks featuring Yangsze Choo and Evan Ramzipoor Start Date: Saturday 9/14/2019 — End Date: Saturday 9/14/2019 Admission:$5 to $20 September's Writers With Drinks features Yangsze Choo, author of The Night Tiger, and Evan Ramzipoor, author of the debut historical novel The Ventriloquists. Shelly Oria reads from her new #MeToo-themed anthology, Indelible in the Hippocampus. Also featuring Fonda Lee, author of the Green Bone Saga and the Exo series. Plus Molly Tanzer (Creatures of Want and Ruin) and Pete Bailey (Trans Homo…Gasp! Gay FTM and Cis Men on Sex and Love). Charlie Jane Anders hosts. Location: 3225 22nd St Mission District San Francisco Contact: Charlie Jane Anders charlieanders2@gmail.com URL: http://www.writerswithdrinks.com
Café Flamenco
Café Flamenco Start Date: Sunday 10/27/2019 — End Date: Sunday 10/27/2019 Admission:Adults: $20 advance / $25 day of show, Kid (12 & u Voted “Best Flamenco” Show in Alameda Magazine’s Best of Alameda 2017 Café Flamenco returns to Rhythmix with a fiery fiesta of world-class flamenco dance and music presented by Caminos Flamencos. Intense, yet passionate, Emmy Award-winning dancer/choreographer Yaelisa presents her spirited troupe of internationally renowned flamenco artists, including Music Director Jason McGuire “El Rubio” and special guests. Join us for this fun and exciting evening of family-friendly world-class flamenco in the intimate peña-style setting of Rhythmix Cultural Works’ theater along with tasty paella and delicious sangria! Olé! Doors open early at 6 pm. Savory Spanish paella freshly prepared by Paul’s Paella with seafood and vegetarian options are available and come served with a side salad for $10 per plate. Refreshing beverages and other items are also available for purchase. Advance tickets are recommended. This show will sell out. All ages are welcome. Kids and families encouraged. Location: 2513 Blanding Ave Alameda Contact: Tina Blaine info@rhythmix.org URL: https://www.rhythmix.org/events/cafe-flamenco-2019/