Live Organ & A Movie: Gremlins

Live Organ & A Movie: Gremlins Start Date: Sunday 10/6/2019 — End Date: Sunday 10/6/2019 Admission:$6.50 Join us for our Live Organ & A Movie series. Hosted by Matias Bombal and music played by Dave Moreno. This series combines live organ music, raffles, and a classic movie all rolled into one. We begin with Dave Moreno playing the theater’s historic Robert Morton Organ with a selection of themed musical pieces. Gremlins is a 1984 American comedy horror film directed by Joe Dante and released by Warner Bros. The film is about a young man who receives a strange creature called a mogwai as a pet, which then spawns other creatures who transform into small, destructive, evil monsters call Gremlins. The gang of gremlins decide to tear up the town on Christmas Eve. Location: 351 Railroad Ave Pittsburg Contact: Janis Glover URL: http://www/

Bookstore & Chocolate Crawl

Bookstore & Chocolate Crawl Start Date: Sunday 9/15/2019 — End Date: Sunday 9/15/2019 Admission:Free Join other sweet-toothed bibliophiles for a tour of Bay Area bookstores. This time Bookstore and Chocolate Crawl will be starting in Noe Valley and follow a trail of chocolate and books into the mission. Everyone is welcome for this free afternoon of fun and community that will help you keep that TBR pile filled with everything from kid’s books to cookbooks. Or you can buy books to support worthy non-profits selected by the bookstores. Great for all ages (though the last stop will be 21+). Location: 4102 24th St Noe Valley San Francisco Contact: Jackie Risley URL:

Halloween Costume Party & Dance – Marin

Halloween Costume Party & Dance – Marin Start Date: Saturday 10/26/2019 — End Date: Saturday 10/26/2019 Admission:15-20 Halloween is always the best theme each year for a party! Everyone is so much friendlier and less inhibited. That’s why we are doing TWO parties the weekend before Halloween: North Bay and South Bay. Celebrate our North Bay party at an exclusive Tennis Club along the water! $15/advance (by Oct 25) or $20/door includes a fun Costume Contest (costumes are optional), with prizes; and dancing to your favorite hits. Adults of all ages welcome. Saturday, Oct 26, 2019, 8pm-Midnight. LOCATION: The Club at Harbor Point, Lighthouse Grill, 475 E Strawberry Dr., Mill Valley. Free parking. CO-SPONSORED by The Society of Single Professionals, the world’s largest non-profit singles organization; Singles2Couples; Dr. Wendy Lyon; and many other singles organizations and meetups. DISCOUNTS and more parties at •National Singles Week Kickoff Party, Sep 15, Burlingame •Wine, Bike & Historical Ride, Sep 21, Sonoma •Beer Tasting Party, Sep 25, San Rafael •Astrological Matchmaking Party, Sep 28, Silicon Valley •80s Live Band Dance, Oct 5, Walnut Creek •No Rejection Dance, Oct 19, Redwood City •Halloween Party, Oct 25, Silicon Valley Location: 475 E Strawberry Dr Mill Valley Mill Valley Contact: Rich Gosse URL:

Film Screening & Art Exhibit: Last October

Film Screening & Art Exhibit: Last October Start Date: Tuesday 9/17/2019 — End Date: Tuesday 9/17/2019 Admission:Free The City of Santa Rosa will host a public screening of Last October, a new 50- minute documentary film that captures experiences during and following the Sonoma Complex Fires from the perspective of several current and former City employees and officials who served as first responders, disaster service workers, and community leaders. Film trailer and more info is available at The screening of the film will take place in conjunction with the art exhibit Sketching Fire Stories on display at City Hall thru October 3, 2019. Sketching Fire Stories is a year-long project of watercolor sketches that tell compelling stories of destruction and recovery in the aftermath of the October 2017 wildfires. The sketches were done on location by Susan Cornelis, Carole Flaherty, and others. The documentary was produced by the City to capture the recollections of City staff from various departments, as well as council members who were in office at the time of the disaster. These individuals recount both their professional and personal experiences, the critical participation of mutual aid agencies, and the overwhelming selfless support and heroism of the community during and following one of the most destructive wildfires in state history. The film provides a firsthand glimpse into the breadth of the City’s response and what it was like to work as a public servant during the fires, such as a recreation employee operating an emergency shelter, a City mechanic hearing of the loss of his own house while working to keep public safety vehicles in service, a CityBus worker transporting evacuees, police officers and firefighters on the front lines, and more. In many instances, employees reported to duty not yet knowing the fate of their own homes or of their families who were evacuated. Partnering with Sonoma Community Resilience Collaborative for screening event: The City is pleased to partner with the Sonoma Community Resilience Collaborative who will have trained representatives lead attendees through a closing breathing exercise at the end of the film screening event to help process the experience. About the Sonoma Community Resilience Collaborative Spearheaded by Santa Rosa Community Health, the Collaborative is working in partnership across our community and with The Center for Mind-Body Medicine, whose curriculum is the foundation for the program. The vision for the Collaborative is to develop our local capacity for healing, empower lay people with comprehensive tools, build the social connections that are the predictor of community resilience, and prevent the progression of stress and trauma into more serious social, mental, and physical impacts. The Collaborative offers free workshops for community member where attendees will experience evidence-based self-care tools for effectively addressing personal and professional stress after the fires, network with peers, and learn an evidence-based model to self-healing and coping skills. Learn more at Additional screenings are planned at other dates and venues, learn more at Location: 620 Third St. Santa Rosa Contact: SR Rec and Parks URL:

Free Public Film Screening: Last October

Free Public Film Screening: Last October Start Date: Thursday 9/12/2019 — End Date: Thursday 9/12/2019 Admission:Free The City of Santa Rosa will host a public screening of Last October, a new 50- minute documentary film that captures experiences during and following the Sonoma Complex Fires from the perspective of several current and former City employees and officials who served as first responders, disaster service workers, and community leaders. Film trailer and more info is available at Thank you to 3rd Street Cinemas for partnering with the City on this event. The documentary was produced by the City to capture the recollections of City staff from various departments, as well as council members who were in office at the time of the disaster. These individuals recount both their professional and personal experiences, the critical participation of mutual aid agencies, and the overwhelming selfless support and heroism of the community during and following one of the most destructive wildfires in state history. The film provides a firsthand glimpse into the breadth of the City’s response and what it was like to work as a public servant during the fires, such as a recreation employee operating an emergency shelter, a City mechanic hearing of the loss of his own house while working to keep public safety vehicles in service, a CityBus worker transporting evacuees, police officers and firefighters on the front lines, and more. In many instances, employees reported to duty not yet knowing the fate of their own homes or of their families who were evacuated. Partnering with Sonoma Community Resilience Collaborative for screening event: The City is pleased to partner with the Sonoma Community Resilience Collaborative who will have trained representatives lead attendees through a closing breathing exercise at the end of the film screening event to help process the experience. About the Sonoma Community Resilience Collaborative Spearheaded by Santa Rosa Community Health, the Collaborative is working in partnership across our community and with The Center for Mind-Body Medicine, whose curriculum is the foundation for the program. The vision for the Collaborative is to develop our local capacity for healing, empower lay people with comprehensive tools, build the social connections that are the predictor of community resilience, and prevent the progression of stress and trauma into more serious social, mental, and physical impacts. The Collaborative offers free workshops for community member where attendees will experience evidence-based self-care tools for effectively addressing personal and professional stress after the fires, network with peers, and learn an evidence-based model to self-healing and coping skills. Learn more at Location: 620 Third St. Santa Rosa Contact: SR Rec and Parks URL:

80s Dance Party

80s Dance Party Start Date: Saturday 10/5/2019 — End Date: Saturday 10/5/2019 Admission:10 Don’t miss our 80s Live Music Dance Party, featuring HFT, a Van Halen/Sammy Hagar Tribute Band! Only $10 at the door includes our FUN Mixer Game, that makes it EASY to meet new friends. We suggest you come early (8-9:30pm) before it gets too crowded, as this is the East Bay’s hottest nightclub! Dressy nightclub attire requested. Adults of all ages are welcome. Saturday, October 5, 2019. LOCATION: Retro Junkie (formerly WPLJs), 2112 N Main Street, Walnut Creek CA 94596. Conveniently located near BART. If coming by auto, from Hwy 680 take N Main St exit. Free parking. CO-SPONSORED by The Society of Single Professionals, the world’s largest non-profit singles organization; and many singles meetups. MORE PARTIES at •Manthers vs Cougars Party, Sep 8, Cupertino •National Singles Week Kickoff Party, Sep 15, Burlingame •Wine, Bike & Historical Ride, Sep 21, Sonoma •Beer Tasting Party, Sep 25, San Rafael •Astrological Matchmaking Party, Sep 28, Silicon Valley •No Rejection Dance, Oct 19, Redwood City •Halloween Party, Oct 25, Silicon Valley •Halloween Party, Oct 26, Mill Valley Location: 2112 N Main St Walnut Creek Walnut Creek Contact: Rich Gosse URL:

Halloween Costume Party & Dance

Halloween Costume Party & Dance Start Date: Friday 10/25/2019 — End Date: Friday 10/25/2019 Admission:15-20 Halloween is always the best theme each year for a party! Everyone is so much friendlier and less inhibited. That’s why we are doing TWO parties the weekend before Halloween: North Bay and South Bay. Celebrate our Silicon Valley party at a fun hotel! $15/advance (by Oct 25) or $20/door includes a fun Costume Contest (costumes are optional), with prizes; and dancing to your favorite hits. Adults of all ages welcome. Friday, Oct 25, 2019, 8pm-Midnight. LOCATION: Crowne Plaza Hotel Silicon Valley, Sevens Restaurant, 777 Bellew Drive, Milpitas CA 95035. Especially convenient for our East Bay and Silicon Valley singles, because it is located at the junction of Hwy 880 and Hwy 237. Free parking! CO-SPONSORED by Society of Single Professionals, San Francisco Singles, SF Bay Area Singles Events, Single Professionals Internet Network (SPiN), Singles with Advanced Degrees, Backroads Wine and Nature Adventures, Single n’ Professional, Hidden Backroads Adventures, Your Asian Connection, 40+ Singles, Cougar Events, Lifestyle Parties, Bay Area Singles Travel, Cougar Meetup, Indie Tom’s Hidden Backroads, Bay Area Single Boomers, Palo Alto Ballroom Dancing, Bay Area Asian Women, Backroads Wine Waterfall Adventures, etc. Expect a big crowd! DISCOUNTS and more parties at •Wine Castle Adventure, Sep 7, Calistoga •Manthers vs Cougars Party, Sep 8, Cupertino •National Singles Week Kickoff Party, Sep 15, Burlingame •Wine, Bike & Historical Ride, Sep 21, Sonoma •Beer Tasting Party, Sep 25, San Rafael •Astrological Matchmaking Party, Sep 28, Silicon Valley •No Rejection Dance, Oct 19, Redwood City •Halloween Party, Oct 26, Mill Valley Location: 777 Bellew Dr Milpitas Milpitas Contact: Rich Gosse URL:

Autumn Moon Festival

Autumn Moon Festival Start Date: Saturday 9/7/2019 — End Date: Sunday 9/8/2019 Admission:Free The streets of historic Chinatown will be transformed into a lively, colorful pedestrian bazaar for the 29th Annual Sterling Bank and Trust Autumn Moon Festival on September 7-8, 2019 produced by the Chinatown Merchants Association. The Moon Festival celebrations are a 1000 year old Asian tradition. This festival will be filled with cultural performances, art, food, and live music. The festivities open with a grand parade on Saturday at 11 a.m. on California and Grant. The famous Dragon appears on Sunday at 5 p.m. as the grand finale of the event. Location: SF Chinatown San Francisco County San Francisco Contact: Eva Lee URL:

Beer Tasting Party

Beer Tasting Party Start Date: Wednesday 9/25/2019 — End Date: Wednesday 9/25/2019 Admission:10 Our Wine Tasting Parties are very popular, especially with our single women. Well guess what, ladies? Most men love beer! So come to our first Beer Tasting Party in many years, at a fun Marin County venue. Only $10 at the door includes tasting 4 great beers! Food, wine, etc. available at additional cost. Adults of all ages welcome. Dress to impress. Wednesday, Sep 25, 2019, 7-9pm. LOCATION: Iron Springs, 901 Fourth St, Downtown San Rafael CA. CO-SPONSORED by The Society of Single Professionals, the world’s largest non-profit singles organization; Singles2Couples; and many singles meetups. MORE PARTIES at •Singles Pizza Night, Sep 4, Corte Madera •Wine Castle Adventure, Sep 7, Calistoga •Manthers vs Cougars Party, Sep 8, Cupertino •National Singles Week Kickoff Party, Sep 15, Burlingame •Astrological Matchmaking Party, Sep 28, Silicon Valley •No Rejection Dance, Oct 19, Redwood City •Halloween Party, Oct 25, Silicon Valley •Halloween Party, Oct 26, Mill Valley Location: 901 4th St San Rafael San Rafael Contact: Rich Gosse URL:

Conscious Dating Secrets – Free Webinar: Finding

Conscious Dating Secrets – Free Webinar: Finding Your Happily Ever After Start Date: Wednesday 9/18/2019 — End Date: Wednesday 9/18/2019 Admission:free Are you discouraged, doubtful or confused about dating or relationships? Would you like to have more clarity, confidence and love in your life? I invite you to join me, Dr. Wendy Lyon (Dating and Relationship Expert for 20 years), for Finding Your Happily Ever After, a free 90 minute webinar. You’ll get your score on the Conscious Dating Quiz, Learn the Principles of Conscious Dating and Discover the 3 Essential Steps to True Love. Location: Everywhere Everywhere Contact: Dr. Wendy Lyon URL: