The Thanksgiving Ball – San Francisco’s Largest Singles Party! Start Date: Saturday 11/30/2019 — End Date: Saturday 11/30/2019 Admission:15-20 Kickoff the holiday season with San Francisco’s largest and most elegant event of the season! Meet someone new to share the holidays at Northern California’s most famous hotel. Most people stay home over Thanksgiving Weekend and are looking for something fun to do. This is it! Over 400 singles attended out last party at this spectacular location. $15/advance (by Nov 29) or $20/door includes dancing to your favorite hits. Adults of all ages welcome. Dress in your finest! Saturday, November 30, 2019, 8pm-Midnight. LOCATION: The Fairmont, 950 Mason Street at California, San Francisco. CO-SPONSORED by dozens of major singles organizations and meetups, including Society of Single Professionals, the world’s largest non-profit singles organization; San Francisco Singles, Bay Area Singles, Single Professionals Internet Network (SPiN), BAY AREA SINGLES, Backroads Wine and Nature Adventures, Single n’ Professional, Hidden Backroads Adventures, 40+ Singles, Cougar Events, International Association of Dating Websites, Lifestyle Parties, Cougar Meetup, Indie Tom’s Hidden Backroads, Bay Area Single Boomers, Palo Alto Ballroom Dancing, Backroads Wine Waterfall Adventures, etc. This is a fundraiser for The Seva Foundation,, to restore sight to the blind. Every $50 we raise at the party finances a cataract surgery for one blind person in one of the poor countries of Asia or Africa! DISCOUNTS and more parties at •Beer Tasting Party, Sep 25, San Rafael •Astrological Matchmaking Party, Sep 28, Silicon Valley •Tree Top Zip Line Experience, Sep 29, Freestone •80s Live Band Dance, Oct 5, Walnut Creek •Saturday Afternoon Delight, Oct 12, Alamo •No Rejection Dance, Oct 19, Redwood City •Halloween Party, Oct 25, Silicon Valley •Halloween Party, Oct 26, Mill Valley •Single, Straight & Breathing, Nov 3, San Francisco Location: 950 Mason St Nob Hill San Francisco Contact: Rich Gosse URL:
A Beginners Guide to the End: Practical Advice f
A Beginners Guide to the End: Practical Advice for Living Life and Facing Death with Shoshana Berger Start Date: Thursday 10/17/2019 — End Date: Thursday 10/17/2019 Admission:$15 – $55 How do we cope with the inevitability of death? How can we make better decisions for ourselves and our families? B.J. Miller and Shoshana Berger offer step-by-step instructions on managing the end of life, including how to navigate a complex system of hidden costs and intense emotions without shame and guilt often associated with this period of life. Miller is an assistant clinical professor of medicine at UCSF, where he practices and teaches palliative medicine. Berger is a journalist and editorial director at IDEO. Together they offer a lesson on dying—and how to live fully until you do. Location: 4000 Middlefield Rd Milpitas Contact: Georgette Gehue URL:
Conscious Dating Group Coaching Program – Free P
Conscious Dating Group Coaching Program – Free Preview Available NOW Start Date: Wednesday 10/2/2019 — End Date: Wednesday 10/2/2019 Admission:Free Preview Available NOW Click on the link to get a free 90 minute preview in my webinar:Finding Your Happily Ever After, available to you right NOW.This is a free comprehensive introduction to what works and what doesn’t work for dating and relationships, and includes questions and answers at the end. After you watch the webinar, please let me know your Conscious Dating quiz score and what areas you want to work on. I look forward to hearing from you. Would you like to join a small group of single adults and learn how to create a life you love with the love of your life? This effective 3 month Conscious Dating Group Program has helped thousands and includes 12 small group video conference meetings and individual coaching with Dr. Wendy Lyon (20 year relationship expert). We start October 2. Space is limited to 12 participants and the program is filling quickly. See for details and earlybird special. If you join our upcoming Conscious Dating Group Coaching Program, you will: • Get expert guidance with a proven program that has helped thousands! • Clarify your values, vision and essential relationship requirements. • Uncover and release blocks and patterns that have stopped you. • Learn to believe in yourself and your vision for love. • Develop an effective plan for a life you love with the love of your life! • Get ongoing support to create the life and love you desire. Enjoy the free webinar and please let me know if you have any questions. We only have room for a few more people in the upcoming group. Please contact me ASAP with any questions. Contact Me: (415) 365-0097 or See ?, Dr. Wendy ? Wendy Lyon, PhD, Psychologist Master Relationship & Life Coach for Singles and Couples since 1999 Certified Clear Beliefs Coach and Events & Retreats Facilitator Best Selling Author with Deepak Chopra and Ken Blanchard Relationship Coaching Institute Mentor Location: Everywhere Everywhere Contact: Dr. Wendy Lyon URL:
Zombie Apocalypse
Zombie Apocalypse Start Date: Friday 10/11/2019 — End Date: Friday 10/11/2019 Admission:$13 Featuring the original 1968 independent horror film “Night of the Living Dead”. A group of Pennsylvanians barricade themselves in an old farmhouse to remain safe from a bloodthirsty, flesh-eating breed of monsters who are ravaging the East Coast of the United States. This cult film has brought zombie flicks to the mainstream. Come dressed in your best Zombie costume for the Costume Contest, test your brain on Zombie Trivia, and enjoy a meal from Nick’s Sandwiches. Location: 351 Railroad Ave Pittsburg Contact: Carolyn URL:
55:56 First Friday Event
55:56 First Friday Event Start Date: Friday 11/1/2019 — End Date: Friday 11/1/2019 Admission:Free 55:56 A multimedia installation by Baharak & Behnaz Khaleghi October 4 – November 16, 2019 ‘For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man.’ (I Corinthians 11:8-9) ‘In them [gardens] are women limiting [their] glances, untouched before them by man or jinni.”(Ayah 56, Sura Ar-Rahman) Houris are described as incarnations of perfection; beautiful women who are gifted to men in heaven. Harmful ideologies of a “perfect woman are written into texts across cultures, creating paradoxes in which women are scrutinized for inevitably falling short of these standards. Through satire, Baharak and Behnaz Khaleghi begin to subvert our expectations of this ideology by asking questions about women’s relation to patriarchal structures. Aggregate Space Gallery presents 55:56, a multimedia installation, exploring an alternate and private space for houris, where they are able to embrace and indulge in both humanly and heavenly desires, free from the expectations of others. This exhibition is curated by Laine Corfield and Sophia Feuer as the culminating project of Aggregate Space Gallery’s annual intensive Curatorial Fellowship. Opening Reception Friday, 4 October 2019 6-10pm Second Saturday Artist Talk 12 October, 11am First Friday Event 1 November, 5-8pm Gallery Hours Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, 1-5pm and by appointment Aggregate Space Gallery Aggregate Spaceship at Warehouse 416-Unit E 416 26th St. Oakland, CA 94612 Location: 416 26th St. Oakland Contact: Willis Meyers URL:
55:56 Artist Talk
55:56 Artist Talk Start Date: Friday 10/11/2019 — End Date: Friday 10/11/2019 Admission:Free 55:56 A multimedia installation by Baharak & Behnaz Khaleghi October 4 – November 16, 2019 ‘For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man.’ (I Corinthians 11:8-9) ‘In them [gardens] are women limiting [their] glances, untouched before them by man or jinni.”(Ayah 56, Sura Ar-Rahman) Houris are described as incarnations of perfection; beautiful women who are gifted to men in heaven. Harmful ideologies of a “perfect woman are written into texts across cultures, creating paradoxes in which women are scrutinized for inevitably falling short of these standards. Through satire, Baharak and Behnaz Khaleghi begin to subvert our expectations of this ideology by asking questions about women’s relation to patriarchal structures. Aggregate Space Gallery presents 55:56, a multimedia installation, exploring an alternate and private space for houris, where they are able to embrace and indulge in both humanly and heavenly desires, free from the expectations of others. This exhibition is curated by Laine Corfield and Sophia Feuer as the culminating project of Aggregate Space Gallery’s annual intensive Curatorial Fellowship. Opening Reception Friday, 4 October 2019 6-10pm Second Saturday Artist Talk 12 October, 11am First Friday Event 1 November, 5-8pm Gallery Hours Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, 1-5pm and by appointment Aggregate Space Gallery Aggregate Spaceship at Warehouse 416-Unit E 416 26th St. Oakland, CA 94612 Location: 416 26th St. Oakland Contact: Willis Meyers URL:
55:56 Opening Reception
55:56 Opening Reception Start Date: Friday 10/4/2019 — End Date: Friday 10/4/2019 Admission:Free 55:56 A multimedia installation by Baharak & Behnaz Khaleghi October 4 – November 16, 2019 ‘For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man.’ (I Corinthians 11:8-9) ‘In them [gardens] are women limiting [their] glances, untouched before them by man or jinni.”(Ayah 56, Sura Ar-Rahman) Houris are described as incarnations of perfection; beautiful women who are gifted to men in heaven. Harmful ideologies of a “perfect woman are written into texts across cultures, creating paradoxes in which women are scrutinized for inevitably falling short of these standards. Through satire, Baharak and Behnaz Khaleghi begin to subvert our expectations of this ideology by asking questions about women’s relation to patriarchal structures. Aggregate Space Gallery presents 55:56, a multimedia installation, exploring an alternate and private space for houris, where they are able to embrace and indulge in both humanly and heavenly desires, free from the expectations of others. This exhibition is curated by Laine Corfield and Sophia Feuer as the culminating project of Aggregate Space Gallery’s annual intensive Curatorial Fellowship. Opening Reception Friday, 4 October 2019 6-10pm Second Saturday Artist Talk 12 October, 11am First Friday Event 1 November, 5-8pm Gallery Hours Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, 1-5pm and by appointment Aggregate Space Gallery Aggregate Spaceship at Warehouse 416-Unit E 416 26th St. Oakland, CA 94612 Location: 416 26th St. Oakland Contact: Willis Meyers URL:
55:56: A Multimedia Installation by Baharak and
55:56: A Multimedia Installation by Baharak and Behnaz Khaleghi Start Date: Friday 10/4/2019 — End Date: Saturday 11/16/2019 Admission:Free 55:56 A multimedia installation by Baharak & Behnaz Khaleghi October 4 – November 16, 2019 ‘For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man.’ (I Corinthians 11:8-9) ‘In them [gardens] are women limiting [their] glances, untouched before them by man or jinni.”(Ayah 56, Sura Ar-Rahman) Houris are described as incarnations of perfection; beautiful women who are gifted to men in heaven. Harmful ideologies of a “perfect woman are written into texts across cultures, creating paradoxes in which women are scrutinized for inevitably falling short of these standards. Through satire, Baharak and Behnaz Khaleghi begin to subvert our expectations of this ideology by asking questions about women’s relation to patriarchal structures. Aggregate Space Gallery presents 55:56, a multimedia installation, exploring an alternate and private space for houris, where they are able to embrace and indulge in both humanly and heavenly desires, free from the expectations of others. This exhibition is curated by Laine Corfield and Sophia Feuer as the culminating project of Aggregate Space Gallery’s annual intensive Curatorial Fellowship. Opening Reception Friday, 4 October 2019 6-10pm Second Saturday Artist Talk 12 October, 11am First Friday Event 1 November, 5-8pm Gallery Hours Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, 1-5pm and by appointment Aggregate Space Gallery Aggregate Spaceship at Warehouse 416-Unit E 416 26th St. Location: 416 26th St. Oakland Contact: Willis Meyers URL:
Writers With Drinks: Michelle Ruiz Keil and Iman
Writers With Drinks: Michelle Ruiz Keil and Imani Gandy! Start Date: Saturday 10/12/2019 — End Date: Saturday 10/12/2019 Admission:$5 to $20 October’s Writers With Drinks features young-adult fantasy novelist Michelle Ruiz Keil, author of the acclaimed debut All of Us With Wings. Plus Dr. Jennifer Gunter, author of The Vagina Bible: Separating the Myth from the Medicine, and Imani Gandy, senior legal analyst with Rewire News and co-host of the Boom! Lawyered podcast. Also featuring Vivian Ho, (Those Who Wander: America’s Lost Street Kids), Marta Acosta (The Dog Thief), and Nazelah Jamison (Evolutionary Heart). Hosted by Charlie Jane Anders. Location: 3225 22nd St Mission District San Francisco Contact: Charlie Jane Anders URL:
Single, Straight & Breathing
Single, Straight & Breathing Start Date: Sunday 11/3/2019 — End Date: Sunday 11/3/2019 Admission:10 “All the men are either married, gay, or dead” has often been the complaint of San Francisco’s single women. Not at tonight’s party, which is based on a singles organization decades ago in SF called “Single, Straight, & Breathing.” Once a week the women would host a party in The City at one of their homes. The catch was that each woman would have to bring 2 men who were “single, straight, and breathing” in order to be welcome. Eventually the group was disbanded because all the women found a man! After several decades, we resurrect this concept at tonight’s party. While women are welcome to come unaccompanied, it would be great if each woman brought along at least one bachelor with whom she is NOT romantically involved (brother, father, son, cousin, co-worker, next door neighbor, ex-husband, etc.) DETAILS: Sunday, November 3, 2019, 4-6pm. $10 at the door includes a FUN Mixer Game, accompanied by light appetizers, served at 4pm, as long as they last. The free food may be gone quickly, so come early! Adults of all ages welcome. Dress to impress. LOCATION: Coinop, 508 Fourth Street at Bryant, San Francisco CA. Coinop used to be the large Drake Nightclub. We have room for a big crowd, so please invite as many singles as possible! Conveniently located near BART, CalTrain, and MUNI. Free street parking in SF on Sundays! PLEASE NOTE: This is an inclusive party, so adults of all ages, all ethnic groups, and all orientations are welcome. CO-SPONSORED by The Society of Single Professionals, the world’s largest non-profit singles organization; and many other singles organizations and meetups. This is a fundraiser for The Seva Foundation,, to restore sight to the blind. Every $50 we raise at the party finances a cataract surgery for one blind person in one of the poor countries of Asia or Africa! MORE SINGLES PARTIES at •Beer Tasting Party, Sep 25, San Rafael •Astrological Matchmaking Party, Sep 28, Silicon Valley •80s Live Band Dance, Oct 5, Walnut Creek •Saturday Afternoon Delight, Oct 12, Alamo •No Rejection Dance, Oct 19, Redwood City •Halloween Party, Oct 25, Silicon Valley •Halloween Party, Oct 26, Mill Valley Location: 508 4th St SoMa San Francisco Contact: Rich Gosse URL: