13th Annual Plant Exchange

13th Annual Plant Exchange Start Date: Saturday 3/28/2020 — End Date: Saturday 3/28/2020 Admission:Free The Plant Exchange is a free community event that began in Oakland, California in October 2007 as a way for our neighbors to get to know each other. It also encourages reuse, recycling, organic living, resource sharing, and information exchange. This event rapidly grew to include gardeners, landscapers, urban farmers, and outdoor fans from all 9 Bay Area counties. We receive plants of all types and sizes. We also have an area for tools and other garden related items and happily accept yard art, mulch, equipment, compost bins, and lawn furniture. We have master gardeners to answer questions and plant specialists to help identify donations. And, it is all free to the public. This one-day event is the premier plant exchange in California and the largest in the country. Hundreds of people come for each event and over 2500 plants change hands. Our events are 100% volunteer run! We have many opportunities and activities to choose from. See our volunteer page or email connect@theplantexchange.org for more info. Location: 4500 Lincoln Ave Lincoln Highlands Oakland Contact: The Plant Exchange connect@theplantexchange.com URL: http://theplantexchange.com/about-the-event/

Wine Tasting Party

Wine Tasting Party Start Date: Sunday 3/15/2020 — End Date: Sunday 3/15/2020 Admission:$10 at the door Meet new single friends who appreciate fine wines! Only $10 at the door includes 3 free tastes, plus light food to cleanse the palate. Enjoy either our air-conditioned indoor wine tasting station or the one outdoors. Wines from two other wineries, are also available for sale. Adults of all ages welcome. Dress to impress. Sunday, March 15, 2020, 4-6pm. LOCATION: Pat Paulsen Vineyards, 5143 Tesla Road, Livermore CA 94550. From Hwy 580 take N Livermore Avenue exit and continue onto Tesla Road. Free parking. MORE PARTIES at www.thepartyhotline.com. •Private Estate Valentines Dance, Feb 7, Fremont •Meet Your Valentine Dance, Feb 8, Silicon Valley •Hidden Waterfalls & Winery Tour, Feb 9, Sonoma County •Commonwealth Club Party, Feb 12, San Francisco •The Valentine Ball, Feb 14, San Francisco •East Bay Valentine Mixer, Feb 15, Danville •Valentine Speed Dating, Feb 16, Sunnyvale •Man Swap, Feb 22, Burlingame •Karaoke Night, Feb 27, Fremont/Newark •Advanced Degrees Mixer, Mar 7, San Anselmo •Mt Everest Trip, April 18, Nepal CO-SPONSORED by Society of Single Professionals, the world’s largest non-profit singles organization; and by many singles meetups. All of our parties are fundraisers for The Seva Foundation, www.seva.org, to restore sight to the blind. Every $50 we raise at the party finances a cataract surgery for one blind person in one of the poor countries of the world! So please invite all of your single friends! Location: 5143 Tesla Rd Livermore Livermore Contact: Rich Gosse richgosse@richgosse.com URL: https://www.thepartyhotline.com

Fellini 100: Homage to Federico Fellini

Fellini 100: Homage to Federico Fellini Start Date: Saturday 3/7/2020 — End Date: Saturday 3/7/2020 Admission:$13 San Francisco will pay homage to the great Maestro with a selection of his works on March 7, 2020 at the Castro Theatre. This will be Cinema Italia San Francisco’s 10th program, in collaboration with Luce Cinecittà and the Italian Cultural Institute of San Francisco. All films have been digitally restored by Luce Cinecittà, Cineteca di Bologna and Cineteca Nazionale for this landmark anniversary celebration. Location: 429 Castro St Eureka Valley San Francisco Contact: Amelia Antonucci amelia.antonucci@gmail.com URL: http://www.cinemaitaliasf.com/

Fellini 100: Homage to Federico Fellini

Fellini 100: Homage to Federico Fellini Start Date: Saturday 3/7/2020 — End Date: Saturday 3/7/2020 Admission:13 San Francisco will pay homage to the great Maestro with a selection of his works on March 7, 2020 at the Castro Theatre. This will be Cinema Italia San Francisco’s 10th program, in collaboration with Luce Cinecittà and the Italian Cultural Institute of San Francisco. Location: 429 Castro St Eureka Valley San Francisco Contact: Amelia Antonucci amelia.antonucci@gmail.com URL: www.CinemaItaliaSF.com

Cuddle Party Sonoma County

Cuddle Party Sonoma County Start Date: Saturday 2/15/2020 — End Date: Saturday 2/15/2020 Admission:$29-49 Register at www.cuddleparty.com/sebastopol What is a Cuddle Party? An Official Cuddle Party is a fun, playful workshop about connection and communication that includes an abundance of nurturing, affectionate touch. It’s a structured, non-sexual and drug and alcohol-free, community potluck for adults. It’s a wonderful way to make new friends and heal your stress. Called a ‘Party’ because it is so much fun (a wonderful alternative to a standard singles scene and night life although you can be in ANY relationship status to join us)! People may attend a Cuddle Party for a variety of reasons. Some come just to have fun and enjoy a wonderful evening of connecting with like-hearted people. Some see a Cuddle Party as a great networking opportunity to look for new friends, significant other, business associates. Some (both men and women alike) come to safely fulfill their need for affection and nurturing touch that may be missing in their everyday life. Some appreciate the learning and personal growth aspect, having the opportunity to improve their social and communication skills (expressing needs, setting boundaries, etc.), and explore ways of creating conscious connection and closeness. Some may appreciate risking connecting with someone of the same sex (or the opposite if that’s your edge). Some may even find an element of spirituality here, and play with ‘touch meditation’ or explore different states of consciousness (‘the cuddling hormone’ oxytocin can produce a lovely and relaxed altered state). It’s a GREAT way to create community!!! Cuddling can mean feet against feet, head or shoulder rubs, full-body hugs, spooning with one or many other people – it is entirely up to you. You can participate according to your desires and comfort level (it is perfectly ok if you just want to talk and not touch anyone for a while or not at all – YOU ARE ALWAYS AT CHOICE!!!). You will have a great opportunity to meet and connect with other cuddle-minded people in a safe and relaxing environment. During the first hour we create the structure and safe space by introducing ourselves, learning about Cuddle Party philosophy and rules (like ‘Ask before touching anyone’), and by going through several communication and ice-breaker exercises. This is followed by a couple of hours of social cuddling time, and ends with a Closing Circle. Please share with all of your friends and associates about these wonderful events by forwarding this info to like-hearted people. A picture’s worth a thousand words, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzVGEXL8JRk Enjoy and be well!!! Cuddlemonials: I really enjoyed my experience at the cuddle party. It moved me and lots came up for me. This was like a huge feat for me in many ways; allowing in the love and touch. I have a ways to go, however, now I see an avenue for direction I need to go. It looks as though the next one is full, and I bet there is a huge waiting list already. If not, I’d like to go. I am truly amazed that I can do this. Thank you for all your work and compassion in bringing this together. What I saw happening at this party was intense compassion in action. It was wonderful to see people receive what they need, and I was a part of this. Thank you for making it happen. BS Santa Rosa, CA Dear Sujata, thanks so much for organizing the Cuddle Party. It was my first experience and it was wonderful. What a safe loving way to relax in someone’s arms, have a great conversation and feel touched in a way that I long for. RF, Fairfax ‘I felt more relaxed than I can remember in a very long time. I felt safe, comfortable and held in a way that allowed my body to just let go. Thank you! AVC Petaluma, CA Safety, love, acceptance, laughter, play, touch. This is my cuddle party experience. From this place of innocence and intimacy profound connections happen. Sujata’s party is simply the best of the best. W.S. Marin Thank you and your team again for providing this in our lives. Each party is different and last night I really experienced the ‘real meaning’ which is Real Touch and the power and healing of touch. We live in such an unconnected world with all this technology and most of our culture perceives touch as sexual. What a relief that I can come there and feel safe (esp as a single woman) and cared about at a deep level—not seen as a some man or woman’s ‘sexual hit potential’ which is just everywhere. LK Sebastopol Sujata and her team did a wonderful job to create a comfortable and safe space at their lovely home. The gentle introduction and “safety” exercises set the tone for respectful, non-competitive and relaxed verbal and, if desired, physical connection between the guests. I found it especially heartwarming that I could connect with men and women alike and that everyone felt so at ease. This is a great opportunity to explore edges, regardless if such an event sounds weird to you, or if you are a seasoned workshopper in the sensual realm. Highly recommended for singles and couples. MU Santa Rosa, CA I not only enjoyed great cuddling, but I met the woman I’ve always dreamed about at Sujata’s Cuddle Party. It shows, you CAN ‘have your cake and eat it too’! Paul R. Santa Rosa, CA From the moment I walked into the Cuddle Party I felt safe and welcomed. In particular, I appreciated the tone of playful friendliness that Sujata sets. The experience was extremely well orchestrated from start to finish. The time spent on ground rules was perfect. The ground rules and the discussion of boundaries created the perfect balance of permission and safety, enabling me to feel at ease in both reaching out for touch and receiving touch. I enjoyed the people I there and felt that my needs were met, which I must confess is not how I normally feel. What I have taken with me from the event is a very strong sense of the OKness of my own needs–particularly my need for touch. I continue to be able to ask for what I want in my current relationship without feeling embarrassed or ashamed. I recommend this experience to anyone seeking a deeper connection with humanity–both their own and that of others. D.R., MFT, Santa Rosa, CA ‘Sujata’s Cuddle Parties are the best, characterized by her passion for bringing strangers together and making them comfortable and engaged. Her warm, welcoming personality fills the room and surrounds folks like warm embrace.’ D.D Hopland, CA ‘Cuddle parties are a safe place to interact physically with others in a nurturing and fun environment! Cuddle Parties are a wonderful, safe place for a single women to get touch needs met!’ R. R., Female Business Owner, Santa Rosa, CA I attended my first cuddle party in February of 2010. I was at a low point in life and that night marked a new and positive direction for me. I was so uplifted by reintroducing cuddling to my life in such a safe, warm, and comfortable atmosphere that allowed me to set aside my fears and savor the incredible healing power of human touch. Thank you so much for creating a healthy environment to learn and experience a new level of “intimacy”. With Gratitude, SGS Windsor, CA Location: Sent After Registration Sebastopol Contact: Sujata D Monti sujata@edgeworkcoaching.com URL: www.cuddleparty.com/sebastopol

you are variations: Ecologies of Translation

you are variations: Ecologies of Translation Start Date: Tuesday 3/3/2020 — End Date: Tuesday 3/3/2020 Admission:free you are variations: Ecologies of Translation you are variations addresses a vital, urgent and intricate matter of concern: Can we learn to listen to a tree? And if so how? The research studies the water cycle of trees. It processes environmental data on sap flow from scientific research on climate change, transposing it into a musical score and enacting it collaboratively. Attention is drawn to the complex water-cycling and sophisticated energy balance of trees under changing environmental conditions. Its queries are relevant for contemporary scientific research concerned with climate futures, as well as questions regarding art’s stance and the contemporary locus of its transformative power. The project proposes that we face these challenges together. The research links environmental with social and mental ecology. The aggregation of disciplines, languages, and natures that are unfamiliar to each other reveals difference. In the attempt to bridge this difference, translation incites a gap, a transformation and a mediation. you are variations plays with this folding process of translation, apprehending it not as an exclusively human practice, but as the fabric of relations: an “ecology of translation”. Location: 800 Chestnut St Russian Hill San Francisco Contact: Kat exhibitions@sfai.edu URL: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/you-are-variations-ecologies-of-translation-tickets-91220453833

Advanced Degrees Party

Advanced Degrees Party Start Date: Saturday 3/7/2020 — End Date: Saturday 3/7/2020 Admission:$10 at the door Meet new single friends with a Doctorate or Masters Degree! Only $10 at the door includes light appetizers, served at 7pm, as long as they last; plus a FUN Mixer Game, with prizes. Adults of all ages welcome. Dress to impress. Saturday, March 7, 2020, 7-9pm. LOCATION: EV Lounge, 500 San Anselmo Avenue, corner of Tunstead, Downtown San Anselmo CA 94960. From Hwy 101 take Sir Francis Drake exit west; left on Tunstead. Free street parking. MORE PARTIES at www.thepartyhotline.com. •Meet Your Valentine Mixer – Marin Feb 6, Sausalito •Private Estate Valentines Dance, Feb 7, Fremont •Meet Your Valentine Dance, Feb 8, Silicon Valley •Hidden Waterfalls & Winery Tour, Feb 9, Sonoma County •Commonwealth Club Party, Feb 12, San Francisco •The Valentine Ball, Feb 14, San Francisco •East Bay Valentine Mixer, Feb 15, Danville •Valentine Speed Dating, Feb 16, Sunnyvale •Man Swap, Feb 22, Burlingame •Be Your Own DJ Party, Feb 27, Fremont/Newark •Mt Everest Trip, April 18, Nepal CO-SPONSORED by Society of Single Professionals, the world’s largest non-profit singles organization; Singles2Couples; and by many singles meetups. All of our parties are fundraisers for The Seva Foundation, www.seva.org, to restore sight to the blind. Every $50 we raise at the party finances a cataract surgery for one blind person in one of the poor countries of the world! So please invite all of your single friends! Location: 500 San Anselmo Ave San Anselmo San Anselmo Contact: Rich Gosse rich@richgosse.com URL: https://www.thepartyhotline.com

Media Art: Defining a Field

Media Art: Defining a Field Start Date: Thursday 4/23/2020 — End Date: Thursday 4/23/2020 Admission:free New York-based curator Barbara London is the author of Video/Art, The First Fifty Years, recently published by Phaidon. In her talk she explores how video art began as gear first reached the consumer market in the mid-1960s, when much of the world seemed to be in radical transition. She illustrates the madcap trajectory of a pliable medium, as video opened up and became a multifaceted art form that grew to encompass a range of formats, including not only single-screen videos but also multiscreen installations and projections; immersive audiovisual environments; and moving-image works that are streamable as digital files. Her story follows her journey as a proponent of the art form’s progress. ABOUT THE SPEAKER Barbara London is a New York-based curator and writer, who founded the video-media exhibition and collection programs at The Museum of Modern Art, where she worked between 1973 and 2013. Her current projects include the book Video Art/The First Fifty Years (Phaidon: 2020), and the exhibition “Seeing Sound” (Independent Curators International, 2020-2024.) London organized one-person shows with such media mavericks as Laurie Anderson, Peter Campus, Teiji Furuhashi, Gary Hill, Joan Jonas, Shigeko Kubota, Nam June Paik, Song Dong, Steina Vasulka, Bill Viola, and Zhang Peili. Her thematic exhibitions at MoMA included Soundings: A Contemporary Score (2013); Looking at Music (2009); Video Spaces (1995); Music Video: the Industry and Its Fringes (1985); and Video from Tokyo to Fukui and Kyoto (1979). She was the first to integrate the Internet as part of curatorial practice, with Stir-fry (1994); Internyet (1998); and dot.jp. (1999.) London teaches in the Sound Art Department, Columbia University, and previously taught in the Graduate Art Department, Yale, 2014-2019. Her honors include: Getty Research Institute scholar, 2016; the Courage Award, Eyebeam, 2016; Gertrude Contemporary Residency, Melbourne, 2012; Dora Maar House Residency, Menerbes, 2010; a CEC Artslink award in Poland, 2003; a Japanese government Bunkacho Fellowship, 1992-93; and a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship, 1988-89. PARTNERS KADIST believes contemporary artists make an important contribution to a progressive society, their work often addressing key issues of our time. KADIST, a non-profit organization dedicated to exhibiting the work of artists represented in its collection, encourages this engagement and affirms contemporary art’s relevance within social discourse. Its programs develop collaborations with artists, curators and many art organizations around the world, facilitating new connections across cultures. Local programs in KADIST’s hubs of Paris and San Francisco include exhibitions, public events, residencies and educational initiatives. Complemented by an active online network, they aim at creating vibrant conversations about contemporary art and ideas. Location: 800 Chestnut St Russian Hill San Francisco Contact: exhibitions exhibitions@sfai.edu URL: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/media-art-defining-a-field-tickets-92996243267

BODY MUSIC/East Bay Workshop with Keith Terry

BODY MUSIC/East Bay Workshop with Keith Terry Start Date: Thursday 3/19/2020 — End Date: Thursday 3/19/2020 Admission:$25/Advance, $30/Day of Show Using the oldest instrument on the planet — the human body — we clap, slap, snap, step and vocalize our way through some very fun and funky, original and traditional rhythmic music. BODY MUSIC is an effective way of internalizing rhythmic work, which enhances the development of time, timing, phrasing, listening skills, independence, coordination and ensemble awareness. It is a useful tool for anyone interested in deepening their rhythmic skills while having a great time moving and singing. Keith Terry, in his 40th year of pioneering contemporary Body Music and producing events in the Bay Area and around the world through his Oakland-based arts non-profit Crosspulse, teams up with Rhythmix for the culmination of a month of BODY MUSIC/East Bay events to present PAL educational assemblies, a BODY MUSIC workshop with Keith Terry, and a live concert featuring a host of Bay Area body music artists. Location: 2513 Blanding Ave Alameda Alameda Contact: Rythmix info@rhythmix.org URL: https://www.rhythmix.org/events/body-music-workshop/

The Cherry Orchard

The Cherry Orchard Start Date: Thursday 2/27/2020 — End Date: Saturday 3/21/2020 Admission:$18-$30 Town Hall Theatre is excited to announce the next show in its 75th “TRANSFORMATIONS” Season, Anton Chekhov’s final elegiac comedy masterpiece, THE CHERRY ORCHARD, in a new translation by Richard Nelson, Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky. THE CHERRY ORCHARD will have 12 performances, including two previews, February 27 through March 21, 2020, at Town Hall Theatre Company, 3535 School Street, in Lafayette, CA. Tickets are $18 – $30, and are available through the Box Office at (925) 283-1557 or online at www.TownHallTheatre.com. THE CHERRY ORCHARD, Anton Chekhov’s final masterwork, arrives at Town Hall in February/March 2020, in a new translation by Richard Nelson, Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky of Chekhov’s original 1903 pre-rehearsal script. At once timeless and prescient, THE CHERRY ORCHARD channels the “human comedy”, with all its loves, losses and privileges past, and the inescapable future. The story is simple: on a chilly morning in May in the Russian provinces, around the turn of the last century, landowner Lyubóv Andréevna returns after a five year absence to her family’s estate to find the cherry orchard in bloom. But all is soon to change, as debts must be paid. Location: 3535 School St Stanley Lafayette Contact: Susan E Evans BoxOffice@TownHallTheatre.com URL: https://www.townhalltheatre.com/cherry-orchard