East Bay Online Speed Dating Party!

East Bay Online Speed Dating Party! Start Date: Friday 4/24/2020 — End Date: Friday 4/24/2020 Admission:20-25 Looking for something fun to do during the Bay Area ‘shelter in place’ order? Meet new friends from the East Bay, 40+, safely ONLINE! $20/early bird or $25/day of event. Friday, April 24, 2020, 7-9pm. MORE PARTIES at www.thepartyhotline.com. CLICK on the date(s) you want to attend. Co-sponsored by The Society of Single Professionals, the world’s largest non-profit singles organization. All parties are fundraisers for The Seva Foundation, www.seva.org, to restore sight to the blind. Friday, April 17 – Speed Dating & Social for Singles with Advanced Degrees Saturday, April 18 – Speed Dating & Social for Christian Single Professionals Sunday, April 19 – Speed Dating & Social for Athletic & Active Single Professionals Thursday, April 23 – Marin Speed Dating Friday, April 24 – East Bay Speed Dating Saturday, April 25 – Silicon Valley Speed Dating Sunday, April 26, San Francisco Peninsula Speed Dating Friday, May 1– Travel Lovers Speed Dating, 45+ Friday, May 1 – Travel Lovers Speed Dating, under 45 Saturday, May 2 – Asian to Asian Speed Dating Saturday, May 2 – Asian to non-Asian Speed Dating Sunday, May 3 – Cooking Class & Social Sunday, May 3 – Fashion Exchange, Show, & Social Location: Online East Bay, Ca Contact: Rich Gosse rich@richgosse.com URL: https://www.thepartyhotline.com

Marin Online Speed Dating Party!

Marin Online Speed Dating Party! Start Date: Thursday 4/23/2020 — End Date: Thursday 4/23/2020 Admission:20-25 Looking for something fun to do during the Bay Area ‘shelter in place’ order? Meet new friends from Marin, 40+, safely ONLINE! $20/early bird or $25/day of event. Thursday, April 23, 2020, 7-9pm. MORE PARTIES at www.thepartyhotline.com. CLICK on the date(s) you want to attend. Co-sponsored by The Society of Single Professionals, the world’s largest non-profit singles organization. All parties are fundraisers for The Seva Foundation, www.seva.org, to restore sight to the blind. Friday, April 17 – Speed Dating & Social for Singles with Advanced Degrees Saturday, April 18 – Speed Dating & Social for Christian Single Professionals Sunday, April 19 – Speed Dating & Social for Athletic & Active Single Professionals Friday, April 24 – East Bay Speed Dating Saturday, April 25 – Silicon Valley Speed Dating Sunday, April 26, San Francisco Peninsula Speed Dating Friday, May 1– Find a Travel Companion Social Saturday, May 2 – Asian to Asian Speed Dating Saturday, May 2 – Asian to non-Asian Speed Dating Sunday, May 3 – Cooking Class & Social Sunday, May 3 – Fashion Exchange, Show, & Social Location: Everywhere Everywhere Contact: Rich Gosse rich@richgosse.com URL: https://www.thepartyhotline.com

Athletic Singles Online Speed Dating Party!

Athletic Singles Online Speed Dating Party! Start Date: Sunday 4/19/2020 — End Date: Sunday 4/19/2020 Admission:20-25 Looking for something fun to do during the Bay Area ‘shelter in place’ order? Meet new friends safely, ONLINE, late 20s to early 50s, who are athletic, sporty, active single professionals looking for the same. Skiers, tennis players, and golfers are especially invited. Sunday, April 19, 2020, 4-6pm. MORE PARTIES at www.thepartyhotline.com. CLICK on the date(s) you want to attend. All events are $20/early bird or $25/same day, except for April 24, which is only $10! Co-sponsored by The Society of Single Professionals, the world’s largest non-profit singles organization. All parties are fundraisers for The Seva Foundation, www.seva.org, to restore sight to the blind. Friday, April 17 – Speed Dating & Social for Singles with Advanced Degrees Saturday, April 18 – Speed Dating & Social for Christian Single Professionals Friday, April 24 – Find a Travel Companion Social Saturday, April 25 – Cooking Class & Social Sunday, April 26 – Fashion Exchange, Show, & Social Location: onine San Francisco Bay Area Contact: Rich Gosse rich@richgosse.com URL: https://www.thepartyhotline.com

Christian Speed Dating Party!

Christian Speed Dating Party! Start Date: Saturday 4/18/2020 — End Date: Saturday 4/18/2020 Admission:20-25 Looking for something fun to do during the Bay Area ‘shelter in place’ order? Meet new Christian single friends, 30s to 50s, ONLINE! Saturday, April 18, 2020, 7-9pm. MORE PARTIES at www.thepartyhotline.com. CLICK on the date(s) you want to attend. All events are $20/early bird or $25/same day, except for April 24, which is only $10! Co-sponsored by The Society of Single Professionals, the world’s largest non-profit singles organization. All parties are fundraisers for The Seva Foundation, www.seva.org, to restore sight to the blind. Sunday, April 12 – Speed Dating & Social for ages Late 50s and older Sunday, April 12 – Speed Dating & Social for 40s & 50s Friday, April 17 – Speed Dating & Social for Singles with Advanced Degrees Sunday, April 19 – Speed Dating & Social for Athletic & Active Single Professionals Friday, April 24 – Find a Travel Companion Social Saturday, April 25 – Cooking Class & Social Sunday, April 26 – Fashion Exchange, Show, & Social Location: Online San Francisco Bay Area Contact: Rich Gosse rich@richgosse.com URL: https://www.thepartyhotline.com

Advanced Degrees Online Speed Dating Party

Advanced Degrees Online Speed Dating Party Start Date: Friday 4/17/2020 — End Date: Friday 4/17/2020 Admission:20-25 Looking for something fun to do during the Bay Area shelter in placeorder? Meet new single friends with a Doctorate or Masters Degree, mid 30s to late 50s, ONLINE! Friday, April 17, 2020, 7-9pm. MORE PARTIES at www.thepartyhotline.com. CLICK on the date(s) you want to attend. All events are $20/early bird or $25/same day, except for April 24, which is only $10! Co-sponsored by The Society of Single Professionals, the world’s largest non-profit singles organization. All parties are fundraisers for The Seva Foundation, www.seva.org, to restore sight to the blind. Saturday, April 11 – Speed Dating for Asians to Non-Asians Sunday, April 12 – Speed Dating Social for 40s 50s Friday, April 17 – Speed Dating & Social for Singles with Advanced Degrees Saturday, April 18 – Speed Dating & Social for Christian Single Professionals Sunday, April 19 – Speed Dating & Social for Athletic & Active Single Professionals Friday, April 24 – Find a Travel Companion Social Saturday, April 25 – Cooking Class & Social Sunday, April 26 – Fashion Exchange, Show, & Social Location: Everywhere Everywhere Contact: Rich Gosse rich@richgosse.com URL: https://www.thepartyhotline.com

Mature Singles Speed Dating Party

Mature Singles Speed Dating Party Start Date: Sunday 4/12/2020 — End Date: Sunday 4/12/2020 Admission:20-25 Looking for something fun to do during the Bay Area "shelter in place" order? Meet new single friends, 59+, ONLINE! Sunday, April 12, 2020, 4-6pm. MORE PARTIES at www.thepartyhotline.com. CLICK on the date(s) you want to attend. All events are $20/early bird or $25/same day, except for April 24, which is only $10! Co-sponsored by The Society of Single Professionals, the world’s largest non-profit singles organization. All parties are fundraisers for The Seva Foundation, www.seva.org, to restore sight to the blind. Thursday, April 9 – Speed Dating & Social for ages 25-45 Friday, April 10 – Speed Dating & Social for Chinese/Asian American Singles Saturday, April 11 – Speed Dating for Asians to Non-Asians Sunday, April 12 – Speed Dating & Social for 40s & 50s Friday, April 17 – Speed Dating & Social for Singles with Advanced Degrees Saturday, April 18 – Speed Dating & Social for Christian Single Professionals Sunday, April 19 – Speed Dating & Social for Athletic & Active Single Professionals Friday, April 24 – Find a Travel Companion Social Saturday, April 25 – Cooking Class & Social Sunday, April 26 – Fashion Exchange, Show, & Social Location: Everywhere Everywhere Contact: Rich Gosse rich@richgosse.com URL: https://www.thepartyhotline.com

Asian to Non-Asian Speed Dating Party

Asian to Non-Asian Speed Dating Party Start Date: Saturday 4/11/2020 — End Date: Saturday 4/11/2020 Admission:20-25 Looking for something fun to do during the Bay Area ‘shelter in place’ order? Join us for our Speed Dating for Asians to Non-Asians, late 30s to early 60s, on Saturday, April 11, 2019, 7-9PM. MORE PARTIES at www.thepartyhotline.com. CLICK on the date(s) you want to attend. All events are $20/early bird or $25/same day, except for April 24, which is only $10! Co-sponsored by The Society of Single Professionals, the world’s largest non-profit singles organization. All parties are fundraisers for The Seva Foundation, www.seva.org, to restore sight to the blind. Thursday, April 9 – Speed Dating & Social for ages 25-45, all ethnic groups Friday, April 10 – Speed Dating & Social for Chinese/Asian American Singles Sunday, April 12 – Speed Dating & Social for ages Late 50s and older, all ethnic groups Sunday, April 12 – Speed Dating & Social for 40s & 50s, all ethnic groups Friday, April 17 – Speed Dating & Social for Singles with Advanced Degrees, all ethnic groups Saturday, April 18 – Speed Dating & Social for Christian Single Professionals, all ethnic groups Sunday, April 19 – Speed Dating & Social for Athletic & Active Single Professionals, all ethnic groups Friday, April 24 – Find a Travel Companion Social, all ethnic groups Saturday, April 25 – Cooking Class & Social, all ethnic groups Sunday, April 26 – Fashion Exchange, Show, & Social, all ethnic groups DETAILS on our website at www.thepartyhotline.com. CLICK on the date(s) you want to attend. All events are $20/early bird or $25/same day, except for April 24, which is only $10! All of our events are fundraisers for The Seva Foundation, www.seva.org, to restore sight to the blind. WHAT IS ZOOM SPEED DATING? * It’s a video conference event where you participate from the comfort of your own home! * A new way to meet 10 to 20 eligible Singles in the bay area. * You meet ALL participants of the opposite sex. HOW DOES ZOOM SPEED DATING WORK? * Fill out the Speed Dating Form (We will email to you). * Each participant has a speed dating number. * 3 minute introduction per person. * Ask questions from participants. * Mark ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ on your scorecard. * Email your Speed Dating form to Julia@bayareasinglesevents.com after the event. * If there are matches, we’ll notify you within 48 hours. REQUIREMENTS: * Zoom is free for video calling & conferencing and almost as easy to use as an ATM. It’s a great way to stay in touch during social isolation. * You need a strong internet connection with a Zoom-compatible webcam and microphone. * You need the Zoom desktop or mobile app downloaded to your device: https://zoom.us/download * Zoom has an extensive help section: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/categories/200101697 *Don’t Forget To Dress Up! Location: Everywhere Everywhere Contact: Rich Gosse rich@richgosse.com URL: https://www.thepartyhotline.com

Online Speed Dating for ages 25-45

Online Speed Dating for ages 25-45 Start Date: Thursday 4/9/2020 — End Date: Thursday 4/9/2020 Admission:20-25 Looking for something fun to do during the Bay Area "shelter in place" order? Join us for our Zoom Online Speed Dating, for ages 25-45, Thursday, April 9, 2020, 7-9pm. The cost is $20. Click on the link above if you would like to join us! We have more planned for other age groups, ethnic groups, educational level groups, and special interest groups. Friday, April 10 – Speed Dating & Social for Chinese/Asian American Singles Saturday, April 11 – Speed Dating for Asians to Non-Asians Sunday, April 12 – Speed Dating & Social for ages Late 50s and older Friday, April 17 – Speed Dating & Social for Singles with Advanced Degrees Saturday, April 18 – Speed Dating & Social for Christian Single Professionals Sunday, April 19 – Speed Dating & Social for Athletic & Active Single Professionals Friday, April 24 – Find a Travel Companion Social Saturday, April 25 – Cooking Class & Social Sunday, April 26 – Fashion Exchange, Show, & Social DETAILS on our website at www.thepartyhotline.com. CLICK on the date(s) you want to attend. All events are $20/early bird or $25/same day, except for April 24, which is only $10! All of our events are fundraisers for The Seva Foundation, www.seva.org, to restore sight to the blind. WHAT IS ZOOM SPEED DATING? * It's a video conference event where you participate from the comfort of your own home! * A new way to meet 10 to 20 eligible Singles in the bay area. * You meet ALL participants of the opposite sex. HOW DOES ZOOM SPEED DATING WORK? * Fill out the Speed Dating Form (We will email to you). * Each participant has a speed dating number. * 3 minute introduction per person. * Ask questions from participants. * Mark "Yes" or "No" on your scorecard. * Email your Speed Dating form to Julia@bayareasinglesevents.com after the event. * If there are matches, we'll notify you within 48 hours. REQUIREMENTS: * Zoom is free for video calling & conferencing and almost as easy to use as an ATM. It's a great way to stay in touch during social isolation. * You need a strong internet connection with a Zoom-compatible webcam and microphone. * You need the Zoom desktop or mobile app downloaded to your device: https://zoom.us/download * Zoom has an extensive help section: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/categories/200101697 *Don't Forget To Dress Up! Location: Bay Area Bay Area Contact: Rich Gosse rich@richgosse.com URL: https://www.thepartyhotline.com

Chinese/Asian Speed Dating & Social

Chinese/Asian Speed Dating & Social Start Date: Friday 4/10/2020 — End Date: Friday 4/10/2020 Admission:20-25 Looking for something fun to do during the Bay Area ‘shelter in place’ order? Meet new Chinese/Asian American single friends, late 20s to early 40s, 5 minutes at a time, ONLINE! Friday, April 10, 2019, 7-9pm. MORE PARTIES at www.thepartyhotline.com. CLICK on the date(s) you want to attend. All events are $20/early bird or $25/same day, except for April 24, which is only $10! Co-sponsored by The Society of Single Professionals, the world’s largest non-profit singles organization. Saturday, April 4 – Speed Dating & Social for ages 40-60 Sunday, April 5 – Speed Dating & Social for ages 25-45 Saturday, April 11 – Speed Dating for Asians to Non-Asians Sunday, April 12 – Speed Dating & Social for ages Late 50s and older Friday, April 17 – Speed Dating & Social for Singles with Advanced Degrees Saturday, April 18 – Speed Dating & Social for Christian Single Professionals Sunday, April 19 – Speed Dating & Social for Athletic & Active Single Professionals Friday, April 24 – Find a Travel Companion Social Saturday, April 25 – Cooking Class & Social Sunday, April 26 – Fashion Exchange, Show, & Social Location: San Francisco Bay Area CA US San Francisco Contact: Rich Gosse rich@richgosse.com URL: https://www.thepartyhotline.com

Zebop! The music of Santana

Zebop! The music of Santana Start Date: Saturday 3/28/2020 — End Date: Saturday 3/28/2020 Admission:$30-$45 Playing the music of SANTANA! MARCH 28, 2020 Saturday, MARCH 28: Doors @ 7:00 PM; Music @ 8:00 PM Taking their name from a classic Santana album of the same name, ZEBOP! consists of seven energetic and talented Bay Area Musicians who take great pride in performing the music of Santana with passion and dedication. To celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the release of Santana’s 2nd Album, the monumental Abraxas, ZEBOP! will play Abraxas in its entirety. Many of these beautiful, moody, transcendent songs are rarely, if ever, played live, and we are excited to present them via this electrifying band, ZEBOP! Come and see this once in a lifetime performance in the intimate confines of Town Hall Theatre. And, of course, the second set will be chock full of Santana’s hits! Special Admission: The Europa Circle – The Europa Circle includes the ability to choose a seat before the house opens, a complimentary drink of your choice, an event poster signed by the band, a special three-song soundcheck, and a brief Q & A with the band. Panel participants will be: Antonio Marquez — Founder of Zebop! and a true Santana Historian; Tom Stack — THT Board VP and former Licensee of Santana Management during Supernatural period; and Herbie Herbert — Early Manager of Santana from Woodstock into the 80’s and also former Manager of Journey. The Europa Circle is limited to 40 tickets. Doors open @ 6:00 PM. ? Location: 3535 School St Stanley Lafayette Contact: Tom Stack BoxOffice@TownHallTheatre.com URL: https://www.townhalltheatre.com/up-next