22nd San Francisco Documentary Festival (SF DocFest) Start Date: Thursday 6/1/2023 — End Date: Sunday 6/11/2023 Admission:$15-24 The 22nd San Francisco Documentary Film Festival (SF DocFest) will be held June 1 – 11, 2023. SF DocFest will screen 39 features and 47 shorts. The festival will once again be presented as a hybrid of virtual screenings and live presentations. There are 35 films that will screen at the Roxie Theater in San Francisco. The majority of the in-person screenings held at the Roxie Theater will also include live Q&A sessions. Closing night films include "Black Barbie", which focuses on Mattel insider Beulah Mae Mitchell and delves into the cross section of merchandise and representation as Black women struggle to elevate their own voices and stories, and "Satan Wants You", which is a feature documentary about the shocking story of how a young woman and her psychiatrist helped ignite the global Satanic Panic with their bestselling memoir Michelle Remembers. Location: 3117 16th St Mission Dolores San Francisco Contact: Larsen Associates publicity@larsenassc.com URL: https://sfdocfest2023.eventive.org/welcome
Prince as a Revolution: How “The Artist” Changed
Prince as a Revolution: How “The Artist” Changed Music and the Music Business Start Date: Thursday 6/8/2023 — End Date: Thursday 7/13/2023 Admission:Drop-in: $25; Series/Packages: $70 – $225; Artist A New Music History Course with Mark Montgomery French – Live & Online! Prince was a musical phenomenon without peers, from his transcendent songs to his kinetic live performances. But due to his restless artistic output and quest for secrecy, tracking how revolutionary Prince was across the musical spectrum has been mysterious until now. Musician and historian Mark Montgomery French will lead an immersive 6-week course exploring the depths of The Purple One’s genius from multiple angles. You’ll see rare music videos, listen to and dissect his multi-tracks, and explore his songwriting through his unique studio processes. You’ll also learn about his battles for gender, racial, financial, and artistic equity. It’s like a live documentary, with jokes! All classes are hybrid. Students can choose to attend in person at the Rhythmix Theater or on Zoom! Each class recording will be available through Wednesday of the following week. Location: 2513 Blanding Ave Alameda Alameda Contact: Rhythmix info@rhythmix.org URL: https://www.rhythmix.org/events/prince-as-a-revolution/
Sunday Afternoon Delight
Sunday Afternoon Delight Start Date: Sunday 6/4/2023 — End Date: Sunday 6/4/2023 Admission:$10 Meet new friends OUTDOORS at a fun restaurant! Only $10 at the door includes light appetizers, served at 3pm, as long as they last; plus a FUN Mixer Game, that makes it EASY to meet people. Dressy casual attire recommended. Adults of all ages welcome. Sunday, June 4, 2023, 3-5pm. LOCATION: Ounces Outdoors at the Mall at Northgate, 5800 Northgate Drive, next to Kohl’s, San Rafael CA 94903. Featuring Craft Beer, Cider, and Wine, plus bocce courts! Dogs welcome. Pick a spot in the sun or the shade, depending on the weather. Lots of free parking! CO-SPONSORED by The Society of Single Professionals, the world’s largest non-profit singles organization; Dr. Wendy Lyon; and by many other singles organizations and meetups. All events benefit The Seva Foundation, www.seva.org, to restore sight to the blind. DISCOUNTS & MORE FUN EVENTS at www.thepartyhotline.com. · Springtime at the Mansion, May 20, East Bay Hills · Silicon Valley Singles Convention, May 26, San Jose · Speed Dating Party, May 27, San Jose · Upscale Party at Lovely Winery, May 28, Los Gatos 2 SINGLES CRUISES! · 10 Day Alaska Inside Passage, departing from SF, June 16-26 · Greek Isles: Santorini & Israel, leaving from Athens, June 25-July 2 Location: 5800 Northgate Dr San Rafael San Rafael Contact: Rich Gosse rich@richgosse.com URL: https://www.thepartyhotline.com
Downtown Los Altos Bubbly Stroll
Downtown Los Altos Bubbly Stroll Start Date: Friday 5/12/2023 — End Date: Friday 5/12/2023 Admission:$50-$60 Join the merchants of Downtown Los Altos for an evening of tasting great sparkling beverages and strolling our beautiful streets at the Downtown Bubbly Stroll, Friday, May 12, 2023, from 6 – 9 pm. Advance tickets are $55 each (plus applicable taxes and Eventbrite fees). If you are purchasing 10 or more advance tickets for a group, then tickets are $50 each (plus applicable taxes and Eventbrite fees). If there are any tickets still available the day of the event, they will be $60 (plus applicable taxes and Eventbrite fees). Location: State St North Los Altos Los Altos Los Altos Contact: Scott Hunter info@downtownlolsaltos.org URL: https://downtownlosaltos.org/event/bubbly-stroll/
Silicon Valley Singles Convention
Silicon Valley Singles Convention Start Date: Friday 5/26/2023 — End Date: Friday 5/26/2023 Admission:15-25 Our largest event of 2023 takes place at the spacious Holiday Inn San Jose! Coat & tie/dressy attire recommended, but not required. Adults of all ages welcome. Friday, May 26, 2023. 7:30pm – Keynote Address – “Looking for Love in All the RIGHT Places.” Rich Gosse is the author of nine books for singles, including You CAN Hurry Love, Singles Guide to the Bay Area, and A Good Man Is EASY to Find (“This is a great book!” Oprah Winfrey). His entertaining seminars have been sponsored by 60 colleges all over America. His controversial views have been featured by hundreds of major TV/Radio/Print media, including Oprah, NBC’s Today Show, ABC’s Night Line, Fox’s Neil Cavuto Show, CNN, CNBC, MSNBC, BBC, The New York Times, The London Times, The Australian, The New Zealand Herald, Newsweek, Cosmopolitan, Playboy, Playgirl, etc. 9pm-Midnight – DANCE PARTY, featuring your favorite hits. LOCATION: Holiday Inn Silicon Valley, California Ballroom (2nd Floor), 1350 N First Street, San Jose CA 95112. Conveniently located across from Gish Light Rail Stop. Free street parking in back of hotel or $5 paid parking at hotel. TICKETS: $15/advance (by May 25) or $25/door. Dinner available at additional cost downstairs at The Pub. Overnight rooms at hotel available for $149 for the night (does NOT include admission to the Singles Convention). Booking code is SSP 2023. Hotel phone number is 408-453-6200. CO-SPONSORED by The Society of Single Professionals, the world’s largest non-profit singles organization, Professionals Guild, Bay Area Singles Events & Travel, Single Professionals internet Network, Single and Professional, Bay Area Nightlife, Bay Area Singles, Singles with Advanced Degree, Your Asian Connection, Cougar Parties. Lifestyle Parties, Bay Area Singles, San Francisco Singles, Singles Over 40 and Fun!, Wildcat Adventure Club, We Love Bay Area, and by many other singles organizations and meetups. All events benefit The Seva Foundation, www.seva.org, to restore sight to the blind. DISCOUNTS & MORE FUN EVENTS at www.thepartyhotline.com. •Peacock Gap Mixer, April 30, San Rafael •Springtime at the Mansion, May 20, East Bay Hills •Silicon Valley Singles Convention, May 26, San Jose •Speed Dating Party, May 27, San Jose •Upscale Party at Lovely Winery, May 28, Los Gatos 3 SINGLES CRUISES! •Egypt in 9 Days, inc. Nile Cruise, May 9-17 •10 Day Alaska Inside Passage, departing from SF, June 16-26 •Greek Isles: Santorini & Israel, leaving from Athens, June 25-July 2 Location: 1350 N First St North San Jose San Jose Contact: Rich Gosse rich@richgosse.com URL: https://www.thepartyhotline.com
Earth Day 2023 Celebration & Silent Auction
Earth Day 2023 Celebration & Silent Auction Start Date: Saturday 4/29/2023 — End Date: Saturday 4/29/2023 Admission:$30 You are invited to a fun-filled and inspiring evening celebrating a month of keeping Oakland green through Earth Day events and honoring Keep Oakland Beautiful’s small grant awardees. Join us for an outdoor event* featuring delicious food and drinks, music, a silent auction, and a moving program highlighting Oakland community members dedicated to beautifying their communities. Your ticket proceeds support Keep Oakland Beautiful and comes with food and drinks (unlimited until we run out), entertainment, and light programming for the evening. -Silent auction (items include concert tickets, local restaurant gift cards, and more). -Learn more about Keep Oakland Beautiful's work and celebrate past small grant winners and other community members who have made an impact. -?Unlimited food from Cielito Lindo taco truck (6pm until we run out!) -?Raffle with A's tickets Hear from special guests, Vincent Williams from the Urban Compassion Project and Environmental Justice Advocate/Oakland Council Member Dan Kalb. ** Keep Oakland Beautiful is committed to creating an inclusive event. If the ticket price is prohibitive, please contact kob_fundraising@keepoaklandbeautiful.org to discuss alternative options. Location: 411 28th St Oakland Contact: Keep Oakland Beautiful KOB_fundraising@keepOaklandBeautiful.org URL: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/earth-day-2023-celebration-and-silent-auction-tickets-560845914227
AAPI Fest 2023 – Over the Fog
AAPI Fest 2023 – Over the Fog Start Date: Saturday 5/13/2023 — End Date: Saturday 5/13/2023 Admission:FREE We’re excited to announce the return of our festival celebrating local Asian American & Pacific Islander (AAPI) culture and contributions! The AAPI Fest (formerly known as the Asian American Cultural Festival) is a family-friendly festival organized by Over the Fog, whose mission is to foster understanding and appreciation of Asian American & Pacific Islander culture, identity, community and diversity through events, programs and activities. At this festival, local Daly City and the greater San Francisco Bay Area makers, labels, brands, and artists will have an opportunity to showcase and sell current projects and goods while supporting the AAPI community. The fifth AAPI Fest will be held inside Classic Bowling Center in Daly City on Saturday, May 13, 2023 from 2pm to 6pm. At this festival, we invite people to celebrate Mother’s Day weekend, Graduation season, and AAPI Heritage month with us! Some of our featured events and activities will include: Arts & Crafts Booths Kids Zone w/games & activities Art Exhibit Photo booth Live performances including some performers from our local event – FNKO ….and FREE BOWLING ! The AAPI Fest will be a great way to promote your business, organization, projects and/or goods. If you’re interested in having a booth, displaying artwork, performer, or participating in some other way, please contact us for more info. For vendors and participants, find out more in the FAQ below! Free Bowling Registration: C?ourtesy of our sponsor Classic Bowling Center, register below for a free round of bowling. Sign up quick, space is limited! https://tinyurl.com/AAPIFest-Bowling-Registration Vendor and Performers Vendor/Booth Application: https://tinyurl.com/AAPIFest-Vendor-Form Art Exhibit Application: https://tinyurl.com/AAPIFest-Artist-Form Performance Application: https://tinyurl.com/AAPIFest-Performance-Form Socials and Event Information Find more detailed information at http://overthefog.com Become a fan of our organization if you haven’t already: F?acebook: http://facebook.com/overthefog I?nstagram: https://www.instagram.com/1overthefog/ C?ontact Us: N?ews and Marketing: melody@overthefog.com V?endors and Participants: https://www.overthefog.com/contact-us/ Location: 900 King Dr Serramonte Daly City Contact: Gabriel Wong gabriel@overthefog.com URL: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/aapi-fest-2023-over-the-fog-tickets-606366126407
Kaptza – Eszterlánc – Crossroads Band | Show on
Kaptza – Eszterlánc – Crossroads Band | Show on May 13 @3:00PM Start Date: Saturday 5/13/2023 — End Date: Saturday 5/13/2023 Admission:$20-$30 The Eszterlánc Hungarian Folk Ensemble cordially invites everyone to a show and dance house at 3pm on 13 May at the Woodside Priory theatre in Portola Valley. The performance will interweave folk music, folk dance and modern music. Music will be provided by Kaptza, a group of five young folk musicians from Hungary. The band members are spending an academic year in Tennessee as part of a scholarship program. The dances will be performed by members of the Eszterlánc. Old favorites and new choreographies will be showcased under the guidance of our KCsP scholar, Ilka Dajka. The show will also feature a modern music block, with the Crossroads Band performing Hungarian pop-rock classics. After the concert, the theatre hall will be transformed into a dance house: children’s dance circle, adult dance teaching and táncház will follow. During the evening, food and drinks will be available for purchase: goulash soup, sausages, pastries, soft drinks, beer and wine will be waiting for the dance-weary participants. Everyone is welcome! Eszterlanc Hungarian Folk Ensemble San Francisco Bay Area Location: 302 Portola Rd Central Portola Valley Portola Valley Contact: Eszterlanc eszterlanc1977@gmail.com URL: https://www.facebook.com/events/575491724638290
Black & White Party, with Dinner, Dancin
Black & White Party, with Dinner, Dancing & Hot Tub Start Date: Saturday 4/22/2023 — End Date: Saturday 4/22/2023 Admission:35-45 Hot-tub wine social, mingling, great conversations, an evening filled with excitement and music! This is the private house party of the year! Saturday, April 22, 2023, 6-11pm. PARTY THEME: Black and White! Ladies: Dress up in your favorite white or black dresses. Men: White or Black color shirt with or without tie. SCHEDULE * Japanese Simple Dinner 6:00PM-7:00PM * Hot-Tub and Wine Social 8:00PM-10:00PM * Dance and Music 9:00PM-11:00PM LOCATION: Private Home San Jose 95117. Street Parking with limited parking spaces. CARPOOLING ENCOURAGED. This party is limited to 60 people (30 females and 30 males) so sign-up and pay as soon as possible! Since this is a private party, the address will be emailed to you upon your RSVP. TICKETS: $35 Early-bird or $45 Last Day NOTE FOR HOT-TUB: Please bring your own towel if you want to use the hot-tub. DISCOUNTS & MORE EVENTS at www.thepartyhotline.com. •Spring Fling, April 15, San Ramon •Black & White House Party, April 22, San Jose •Peacock Gap Mixer, April 30, San Rafael •Springtime at The Mansion Party, May 6, East Bay Hills 4 SINGLES CRUISES! •8 Day Ireland & Scotland Cruise, April 30 – May 8 •Egypt in 9 Days, inc. Nile Cruise, May 9-17 •10 Day Alaska Inside Passage, departing from SF, June 1-26 •Greek Isles: Santorini & Israel, leaving from Athens, June 25-July 2 Location: 135 W San Carlos St Downtown San Jose San Jose Contact: Rich Gosse rich@richgosse.com URL: https://www.thepartyhotline.com
Saratoga Blossom Festival
Saratoga Blossom Festival Start Date: Saturday 4/29/2023 — End Date: Saturday 4/29/2023 Admission:free Come to the Blossom Festival on April 29!!! Antique cars, art, crafts, live music and more will be part of the 2023 Saratoga Blossom Festival held April 29 from 10-4 PM at the Heritage Orchard and Saratoga Civic Center (13777 Fruitvale Avenue). The event is free and open to the public. Activities include a wide range of music; organizations such as the Master Gardeners, Beekeepers of Santa Clara Valley and more; local civic organizations such as the Saratoga Library, AAUW, Rotary, BookGoRound; Saratoga historical characters; book authors; Saratoga history lectures; and artisans. Gourmet food trucks will also be part of the fun. A special highlight this year will be Author Lawrence Coates talking about his book, “The Blossom Festival,” and the story behind the Festival. Over 15 children’s activity tables, petting zoo, and entertainment for all ages. The Girl Scouts are handing out flowers commemorating the historic festival. First produced in 1900, this historic event ran successfully for 41 years. Come help celebrate this tradition. Produced by the Saratoga Historical Foundation and sponsored by the City of Saratoga. For more information: 408-867-4311 or http://www.saratogahistory.com. Location: 13777 Fruitvale Ave Saratoga Saratoga Contact: Annette Stransky info@saratogahistory.com URL: www.saratogahistory.com