Café Muerte

Café Muerte Start Date: Friday 10/25/2024 — End Date: Friday 10/25/2024 Admission:General Admission – Sliding Scale (Suggested Price Join Batul True Heart and Melissa Reyes of Floripondio End of Life Planning and Services for this platica (heart-to-heart conversation) on all things death related. This Café Muerte is an open space to gather and discuss death. As your group facilitators, Batul & Melissa will set a container, offer the opportunity for folks to introduce themselves, and gently guide the discussion based on participants’ interests. Though grief is welcome here, this is not a grief support group or counseling session. It is a warm and welcoming community space to explore all things death related. Space is limited to 20 folks, so register today to secure your spot. Location: 2513 Blanding Ave Alameda Alameda Contact: Rhythmix URL:

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