Puppet wars: marionette massacre Start Date: Saturday 10/12/2024 — End Date: Saturday 10/12/2024 Admission:$20 Hello everyone, Puppet wars returns to San Ramon, ca with marionette massacre, this is a live family friendly pro wrestling event. This is going to be our biggest event of the year. We strive to bring fun and exciting live pro wrestling to each and every community we come to and we would love to see everyone there. Grab the kids and grab a few friends because this is going to be wild. We only have one question: What happens when the strings come off and the puppets are free, the only thing that can happen…… PUPPET WARS!!!!! Tickets available on Eventbrite or at the door on the day of the event. Location: 2411 Old Crow Canyon Rd San Ramon San Ramon Contact: Joseph Rodriguez Allprodojo@yahoo.com URL: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/969539076477?aff=oddtdtcreator